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备战2019高考英语专题练习-完型填空十篇五十五分钟-限时冲刺训练(含答案)-- 黔东南家教网 - 资讯中心
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1. ( 20) 完形填空:阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑
    John was very shy. He hated being with others and always kept quiet,         1        what might happen if he opened his mouth.
    One day, when some people were visiting, John felt so ashamed that he         2        in a bedroom. Suddenly, a little elf (小精灵) came to him. The elf shouted         3       . "Please! Stop screaming (尖叫) like that."
    The boy was         4       . He forgot his shyness and asked, "Who screamed?"
    "Is there anyone else here?"
    The boy looked around. They were         5       .
    "        6        I never say anything," he replied, trying to         7        himself. "How can I shout without opening my mouth?"
    Then the elf's         8       changed from anger to surprise. "Don't you know? Nobody told you that your eyes, your hands and your whole body         9        all the time?" The elf began to         10        that each part of the body speaks its own         11        and does so without stopping and how each         12        we make says something. The elf gave John a little bottle and dropped some magic water into his         13        and told him, "Now, you'll hear with your ears what people are saying without opening their mouth."
    It was         14       . He could hear how everyone         15        two or three conversations, even when completely silent. But what surprised him most was on his birthday when he met a shy girl. His magic ears could hear her loud         16       . "I don't want to be here! I don't want to play with anyone!"
    John wet the girl's ears with some magic drops from his bottle. Together, they set out to         17        which gestures to make to ensure their bodies were quieter and more pleasant. And they         18        that smiling, looking into people's eyes and         19        saying "Hello" meant their bodies stopped yelling, and so they became         20        children.            

1. A. imagining  

B. expecting 

C. fearing 

D. reporting

2. A. hid     

B. played 

C. dreamed   

D. prepared

3. A. proudly    

B. nervously   

C. hopelessly    

D. angrily

4. A. shocked  

B. worried 

C. determined  

D. disappointed

5. A. lonely    

B. alone   

C. strange 

D. special

6. A. If      

B. So    

C. Although  

D. But

7. A. teach    

B. excuse   

C. protect    

D. enjoy

8. A. attitude     

B. argument

C. method  

D. theory

9. A. talk         

B. act    

C. lie     

D. move

10. A. admit    

B. suggest 

C. explain   

D. comment

11. A. function  

B. character 

C. concern  

D. language

12. A. expression    

B. gesture

C. sentence  

D. performance

13. A. ears    

B. eyes     

C. hands    

D. mouth

14. A. boring    

B. challenging   

C. surprising 

D. frightening

15. A. picked up  

B. moved up   

C. kept up 

D. put up

16. A. tears

B. cries   

C. laughs 

D. jokes

17. A. control    

B. explore 

C. turn to 

D. look at

18. A. discovered   

B. proved     

C. promised   

D. remembered

19. A. politely     

B. politely     

C. finally  

D. suddenly

20. A. helpful    

B. useful  

C. cheerful  

D. regretful

2. ( 20) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项
Value Now No Longer Missed
    John, a famous musician, took his priceless antique zither(齐特琴)and played it in the crowded subway station. The music emanating from the zither was delicately streaming        1       the whole station. However, during the one-hour play, only six or seven people were truly        2       the charming music. John only got 52 dollars for his work that day.
    However, in normal days, when John is about to hold a         3       , one ticket can be sold at more than 100 dollars and it is extremely         4       to buy a ticket even at such a high price. Therefore, later, many passers-by in the station that day felt deeply        5       for not recognizing the famous musician and missing such a valuable but        6       music feast.
    I have a very        7       friend who had totally changed after knowing that his wife        8       an acute illness. He cooked by himself for the family and took a walk with his wife every day. Nonetheless, his wife still did not manage to        9       the illness and passed away after three months. After that, he often sighed         10       that due to his past busy life, he had missed a lot of beautiful time with his wife. But now, it is          11       to make up for it.
    It is no use crying over spilt milk. We have        12       a lot of precious things in our life without knowing how to         13       them. Actually, I also missed something         14       before. The reason is simple: we had thought that we could still own them tomorrow.
    Nevertheless, tomorrow is actually        15       reliable. There was a famous Buddhist monk saying that in many people's lives, they have only done two things: waiting and         16       . The result is that they were always too late to cherish         17       they had before they lost it. We would often claim to do something when we         18       , or when we have money or when we become old, etc. However, when we reach the        19       , we could no longer realize our        20       , because we have lost it by then.            

1. A. before

B. throughout

C. above

D. for

2. A. appreciating 

B. listening

C. creating

D. discussing

3. A. meeting

B. party

C. debate

D. concert

4. A. easy

B. convenient

C. possible

D. difficult

5. A. excited

B. disappointed

C. regretful

D. worried

6. A. special

B. cheap

C. delicious

D. wonderful

7. A. lazy

B. social

C. busy

D. optimistic

8. A. put up with

B. came down with

C. came up with

D. end up with

9. A. cure

B. diagnose

C. attack

D. conquer

10. A. miserably 

B. helplessly 

C. deliberately

D. slightly

11. A.  necessary

B. absolute

C. impossible

D. beneficial

12. A. missed

B. made

C. invented

D. contributed

13. A. value

B. apply

C. conserve

D. convey

14. A. important

B. precious

C. positive

D. negative

15. A. to some degree

B. on the way

C. at all times

D. by no means

16. A. regretting

B. rewarding

C. demanding

D. expecting

17. A. which

B. that

C. what

D. when

18. A. get up

B. set up

C. grow up

D. make up

19. A. goal

B. condition

C. agreement

D. destination

20. A. danger

B. mistake

C. purpose

D. wish

3. ( 20) 完形填空
Dear Laura,
    I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You doubted that such unselfish love  would happen in today's world. Well, I'm here to give you         1       .
    I wanted to do something very         2        for my fifteen – year – old son, who has always been the perfect child. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it         3        it looked almost new. I was so         4        of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet and a riding outfit.
    I could         5        wait for him to open up his gift.         6       , I barely slept the night before. Upon awakening. I went to the kitchen to         7        the coffee, tea, and morning goodies. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a         8       : “To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”
    I was so         9       . It had been a long – standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could         10        lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and I'll get you one” was my husband's         11       .
    I stood there shocked, crying a(an)         12       , asking myself how my son could         13        this expensive gift.
    Of course, the house         14       , and my son was thrilled(激动的)with my reaction. Many kisses were         15       , and I immediately wanted him to open my gift.
    As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not         16        what I was expecting. Then I realized that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.
    Of course I was the proudest mother         17        on that day, and my feet never         18        the ground for a month.
    So I wanted you to know, that kind of love still         19        and lives even in the ever – changing world of me, me, me!
    I thought you'd love to         20        this story.
P.S. The next day, my husband and I bought him a new “used” already shiny motorcycle.            

1. A. hope

B. advice

C. support

D. courage

2. A. polite

B. similar

C. special

D. private

3. A. after

B. before

C. unless

D. until

4. A. sure

B. fond

C. proud

D. confident

5. A. perhaps

B. really

C. almost

D. hardly

6. A. However

B. In fact

C. Therefore

D. In total

7. A. start

B. cook

C. set

D. serve

8. A. note

B. notice

C. word

D. sign

9. A. disturbed

B. confused

C. astonished

D. inspired

10. A. give

B. take

C. draw

D. teach

11. A. reason

B. request

C. comment

D. response

12. A. mountain

B. article

C. river

D. bowl

13. A. present

B. afford

C. find

D. order

14. A. felt

B. jumped

C. cried

D. awoke

15. A. exchanged

B. experienced

C. expected

D. exhibited

16. A. purely

B. basically

C. obviously

D. exactly

17. A. only

B. still

C. ever

D. even

18. A. hit

B. stuck

C. pat

D. felt

19. A. works

B. exists

C. matters

D. counts

20. A. send

B. publish

C. share

D. write

4. ( 20) 完形填空
    A security camera recorded a young boy riding his bicycle up to the home of Hollie Mallet in Louisiana.The boy        1       in the driveway(私人汽车道)next to her house.Then he        2       the driveway into the garage,where he gave her dog a quick hug.
    In late May,Mallet posted a video from the        3       on her Facebook page with this message:"Attention neighbors! Does anyone know who this        4       little boy is?"Mallet         5       that she had seen the boy a number of times running into her garage to play ball with her dog Dutchess or to        6       Dutchess.Mallet said,"I'd like to tell him he's        7       to stay and play;she loves the attention!"
    Within two hours of her        8       the neighbors helped        9       her mysterious visitor.The boy turned out to be 9-year- old Josh Breaux.He lives nearby and        10       dogs.
    Mallet        11       Josh Breaux's mother Ginger by phone to        12       a play date between the boy and Dutchess the dog. When Josh's mother learned that her son had been going into someone's house        13       to play with a dog,she was not         14       happy.But she was glad her son had found a        15       .
    The Breaux had a dog for most of Josh's life,but family dog had recently died.The Breaux family did not get a new dog        16       they were too busy to take care of a young dog. Ginger Breaux wrote about her son's        17       on Facebook just the other day.She wrote:"When we are        18       and decide it's time to get a new dog,we will definitely keep everyone        19       !I am still beyond amazed at the positive        20       the video and story has gotten from all over the world."            

1. A. fell

B. continued

C. stopped

D. started

2. A. avoided

B. noticed

C. covered

D. followed

3. A. notebook

B. phone

C. website

D. camera

4. A. noisy

B. confident

C. sweet

D. proud

5. A. suggested

B. explained

C. argued

D. shouted

6. A. help

B. hold

C. comfort

D. scare

7. A. welcome

B. unable

C. willing

D. anxious

8. A. joke

B. post

C. report

D. warning

9. A. invite

B. remember

C. identify

D. catch

10. A. loves

B. keeps

C. walks

D. protects

11. A. reached

B. knew

C. blamed

D. praised

12. A. take in

B. setup

C. breakout

D. write down

13. A. slowly

B. carelessly

C. eagerly

D. secretly

14. A. strangely

B. immediately

C. extremely

D. exactly

15. A. friend

B. gift

C. chance

D. result

16. A. because

B. so

C. if

D. though

17. A. problem

B. schedule

C. experience

D. mistake

18. A. calm

B. ready

C. correct

D. normal

19. A. surprised

B. honored

C. informed

D. pleased

20. A. suggestions

B. steps

C. thinking

D. response

5. ( 20) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    In many countriespeople eat rice every day        1       they eat it two or three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and supperThey can         2       it, fry(煎)it or         3       it into rice noodlesThey usually eat it          4       meatfish and vegetables
    Some people do not eat some kind of          5          Muslinsfor exampledo not eat porkand Hindus do not eat beef
    The Japanese eat a lot of fishJapan is an island and its          6       go all over the Pacific looking for fish to         7         The Japanese sometimes eat uncooked fish, and they also eat a lot of rice.
    In        8       such as BritainAustralia and the United Statesthe most important food is         9        or potatoesPeople there usually make their bread from wheat flourThey         10       potatoes in different waysThey can boil themfry them and roast(烤)them
    In Africamaize(玉米)is the most important food        11        rice and wheatmaize is a kind of cereal(谷物).African people make the maize        12       flourFrom this flour they make          13       .kinds of bread and cakesMany Africans are very          14        and they can't afford to eat much          15       with their cereal
  Cereals are a very important kind of food          16       we also need plenty of vegetables and lots of fresh          17        
  Some people eat         18       fruit and vegetablesThey do not eat meat or fish or          19       that comes from animalsThey eat only food from          20         Some people say that food from plants is better for us than meat.            

1. A. Sometime   

B. Sometimes

C. Some time

D. Some times

2. A. drink     

B. boil

C. have

D. eat

3. A. change

B. turn

C. make

D. eat

4. A. as       

B. like

C. together

D. with

5. A. meat     

B. fish  

C. apples

D. vegetables

6. A. trains   

B. planes     

C. life boats

D. fishing boats

7. A. buy      

B. catch 

C. hold

D. weigh

8. A. the world 

B. countries

C. the east

D. developing countries

9. A. bread    

B. cake 

C. flour

D. vegetables

10. A. cook    

B. eat 

C. make

D. take

11. A. With   

B. As     

C. Being  

D. Like

12. A. of       

B. from  

C. into

D. up to

13. A. the same 

B. every

C. different

D. each

14. A. rich    

B. weak 

C. strong 

D. poor

15. A. meat    

B. maize 

C. bread

D. flour

16. A. so      

B. as           

C. but

D. because

17. A. fruit    

B. cakes  

C. rice 

D. potatoes

18. A. only    

B. not only

C. besides 

D. except

19. A. something 

B. pork 

C. anything

D. beef

20. A. fish     

B. apples  

C. pigs     

D. plants

6. ( 20) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。    A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had loved a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well         1        it, he told him that was all he wanted.
    As         2        drew near, the young man expected         3        that his father had bought the car. Finally, on the morning of the special day, his father called him into his study. His father told him how         4        he was to have such a fine son, and how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped (包装好的) gift box. Curious, but a little bit        5       , the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound (皮边的) Bible (圣经).
    Angrily, he raised his         6        to his father and said, “Is a Bible         7        you can give me with all your money?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.
    Many years         8        and the young man was very successful in business, but         9        his father was very old, he thought perhaps he         10        go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day.         11        he could make the arrangements , he received a telegram which         12        him of his father's death, and all the possessions (财产) left to him.
            13        arriving at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to         14        through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had         15        it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to         16       . As he was reading, a car         17        dropped from the back of the Bible.
    How many times do we         18        blessings (祝福) because they are not wrapped as we expected? Do not spoil (搞糟) what you have by desiring (渴求) what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once         19        the things you hoped for. What may appear as bad fortune (运气) may         20        be the door that is just waiting to be opened.            

1. A. offer

B. pay

C. buy

D. afford

2. A. his birthday

B. graduation day

C. sports meet

D. examination day

3. A. signs

B. notes

C. warnings

D. marks

4. A. upset

B. crazy

C. comfortable

D. proud

5. A. excited

B. disappointed

C. worried

D. satisfied

6. A. hand

B. head

C. voice

D. sound

7. A. all

B. that

C. all what

D. that all

8. A. past

B. gone

C. passed

D. spent

9. A. learning

B. realizing

C. hearing

D. understanding

10. A. could

B. would

C. should

D. ought

11. A. After

B. Before

C. Since

D. Until

12. A. informed

B. required

C. reported

D. introduced

13. A. By

B. On

C. As

D. At

14. A. put

B. push

C. search

D. pass

15. A. kept

B. bought

C. left

D. expected

16. A. turn over

B. turn on

C. turn up

D. turn down

17. A. picture

B. model

C. key

D. toy

18. A. miss

B. mean

C. forget

D. avoid

19. A. of

B. among

C. between

D. along

20. A. surely

B. actually

C. mainly

D. naturally

7. ( 20) 完形填空
    My son Tom taught me a beautiful lesson today. He is three years old and it is amazing hatching him grow up.
    He called out to me today saying, “Papa, sit”. That usually means         1       everything and going next to him and sitting down to play with him. I did that, as he can be        2       and will not stop calling out until I         3        He was playing with beads (珠子), pushing a string through them, which is a great exercise to help         4       fine motor skills. Then, after he finished playing with the beads, it was time to put them back in the box that they are stored in. I saw him         5        pick up each bead, look at it         6        it were made of chocolate and then placed it into its box.
    With over a hundred beads to go, I was getting         7       “What a long time it will take! Why cannot he        8       ten beads in one go and drop them in?” said my anxious mind. I noticed that he did this with as much        9        as he had while we were playing. I didn't see any         10       between his play and his putting away the toy. Obviously he enjoyed both.
    Then it suddenly         11       me that this boy was enjoying the whole         12       The journey was his goal. For him the        13        was in the game and after the game, not just in the fun part. What a great perspective: to live each moment as it is the        14       moment; to do each task as it is the most awesome task. Nothing else        15       .
    Looking at how         16        my son was putting beads into the box        17        me that the process was the goal. The joy of pilgrimage (朝圣) is not in getting there but in every         18       of the journey.
    This is what living in the NOW is all         19        Tom, my son, was showing me that it was about thoroughly enjoying every moment with         20        love and peace.            

1. A. wasting

B. leaving

C. taking

D. preparing

2. A. stubborn

B. innocent

C. helpful

D. humorous

3. A. fell down

B. turned round

C. burst out

D. gave in

4. A. highlight

B. develop

C. illustrate

D. identify

5. A. gratefully

B. eagerly

C. carefully

D. quickly

6. A. as if

B. even though

C. in case

D. in that

7. A. fascinated

B. satisfied

C. impatient

D. energetic

8. A. package

B. grab

C. deliver

D. replace

9. A. confidence

B. strength

C. inspiration

D. involvement

10. A. sense

B. difference

C. need

D. value

11. A. excited

B. helped

C. struck

D. encouraged

12. A. process

B. morning

C. experiment

D. design

13. A. victory

B. challenge

C. difficulty

D. pleasure

14. A. urgent

B. decisive

C. perfect

D. dangerous

15. A. matters

B. happens

C. disappears

D. works

16. A. successfully

B. peacefully

C. responsibly

D. systematically

17. A. guaranteed

B. warned

C. promised

D. taught

18. A. plan

B. destination

C. step

D. detail

19. A. for

B. with

C. about

D. from

20. A. complete

B. available

C. additional

D. precious

8. ( 20) 完形填空
    A few days ago, I observed a teenager doing yardwork that his dad had told him to do. Instead of doing the task        1       , he wandered around there for hours,        2        to himself and doing a bad job.
    The person he hurt the most was himself. His dad was trying to teach him         3       and how to do a good job. As a result of his        4       attitude, he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task that should have taken one or two hours. And the yard         5        wasn't clean enough when he got through.
    He        6       his day because of his attitude. And his dad was         7       with him, and the boy's bad mood ended up        8        the whole family that day.
    A sweet lady was working in a fast-food        9       . The minute I walked in, she welcomed me        10       . She smiled as she took my order, and then as we        11        for the food, she talked with me. As I walked off with my tray, she said with a big         12       , “I hope you have a blessed day!” I think the food tasted better because of her        13       . There was a delay, during which I sat there hearing her singing as she        14        her tasks behind the counter.
    She wasn't making a large salary, and she didn't have a powerful        15       , either. In addition, she stood on her feet for a long shift each day, often dealing with         16       customers. But she chose to be joyful.
    I want to        17       from her. I want to do my best, even when there's no         18        or glory. Other people are watching me        19        I might not realize it at the time. I want to bring joy to all those around me. A(n)        20       can make a great difference.            

1. A. gradually

B. happily

C. secretly

D. silently

2. A. responding

B. applying

C. explaining

D. complaining

3. A. goodness

B. safety

C. responsibility

D. gardening

4. A. poor

B. positive

C. strange

D. efficient

5. A. almost

B. even

C. still

D. ever

6. A. lost

B. ruined

C. perfected

D. changed

7. A. upset

B. pleased

C. impressed

D. satisfied

8. A. breaking

B. benefiting

C. affecting

D. controlling

9. A. factory

B. restaurant

C. supermarket

D. shop

10. A. warmly

B. proudly

C. seriously

D. coldly

11. A. looked

B. asked

C. waited

D. struggled

12. A. shout

B. smile

C. cheer

D. decision

13. A. experience

B. trust

C. courage

D. kindness

14. A. performed

B. started

C. discovered

D. planned

15. A. appearnce

B. motivation

C. position

D. effort

16. A. ordinary

B. painful

C. important

D. difficult

17. A. escape

B. learn

C. hear

D. differ

18. A. applause

B. regret

C. sadness

D. forgiveness

19. A. now that

B. in case

C. even though

D. as if

20. A. lifestyle

B. attitude

C. habit

D. attempt

9. ( 20) 完形填空
    Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion—like stress,anger,or        1       .What was going through your         2       as you were going through that negativity?Was your mind cluttered(混乱的)with thoughts?Or was it paralyzed, unable to        3       ?
    The next time you find yourself in the        4       of a very stressful time,or you feel angry or frustrated,stop.Whatever you're doing,stop and sit for one minute.While you're sitting there,        5       immerse yourself in the negative emotion.
    Allow that emotion to        6       you.Allow yourself one minute to truly feel that emotion.Don't        7       yourself here. Take the entire minute—but only one minute—to do        8       else but feel that emotion.
    When the minute is over,ask yourself,"Am I willing to keep        9       to this negative emotion        10       I go through the rest of the day?"
    Once you've allowed yourself to be totally immersed in the emotion and really        11       it,you will be surprised to find that the emotion        12       lather quickly.
    This exercise seems simple—almost too simple.        13       ,it is very effective.By allowing that negative emotion the         14       to be truly felt,you are dealing with the emotion        15       stuffing it down and trying not to feel it.You are actually         16       the power of the emotion by giving it the space and attention it needs.When you immerse yourself in the emotion,and realize that it is only emotion,it        17       its control,You can clear your head and proceed with your task.
    Try it.Keep a piece of paper with you that says the following:        18       .Immerse for one minute.Do I want to keep this negativity?Breathe deeply,exhale,release.Move on!This will        19       you of the steps to the process.Remember: take the time you need to really immerse yourself in the emotion.Then,when you feel you've felt it        20       ,release it—really let go of it.You will be surprised at how quickly you can move on from a negative situation and get to what you really want to do!            

1. A. sadness

B. frustration

C. regret

D. sorrow

2. A. heart

B. thought

C. mind

D. body

3. A. move

B. survive

C. talk

D. think

4. A. beginning

B. end

C. middle

D. start

5. A. completely

B. immediately

C. hardly

D. never

6. A. destroy

B. torture

C. consume

D. escape

7. A. abandon

B. cheat

C. blame

D. doubt

8. A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing

9. A. holding on

B. giving in

C. looking forward

D. adding up

10. A. till

B. as

C. before

D. once

11. A. defeat

B. fight

C. feel

D. forget

12. A. clears

B. escapes

C. releases

D. runs

13. A. Therefore

B. Otherwise

C. Moreover

D. However

14. A. space

B. reason

C. chance

D. time

15. A. other than

B. more than

C. rather than

D. less than

16. A. adding to

B. taking away

C. subjecting to

D. objecting to

17. A. gains

B. takes

C. keeps

D. loses

18. A. Calm

B. Relax

C. Wait

D. Stop

19. A. inform

B. warn

C. convince

D. remind

20. A. already

B. enough

C. gone

D. long

10. ( 20) 完形填空
    I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a         1        over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always         2       . Not knowing we were poor, my kids(孩子们) just thought I was         3       . I've always been glad about that.
    It was Christmas time, and although there wasn't         4        for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big         5        for the kids was the fun of Christmas         6       .
    They planned weeks ahead of time, asking         7        what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $120 for         8        to share by all five of us.
    The big         9        arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and         10        them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop; then we would         11        back at the “Santa's Workshop”.
    Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits,         12        my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually         13       . She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies—fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn't say anything         14        we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door,        15        to be angry again. This is what she told me.
     “I was looking         16        thinking of what to buy, and I         17        to read the little cards on the ‘Giving Trees.' One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she         18        for Christmas was a doll. So I took the card off the tree and         19        the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn't have anything.”
    I never felt so         20        as I did that day.            

1. A. roof

B. hat

C. sky

D. star

2. A. little

B. less

C. enough

D. more

3. A. busy

B. serious

C. strict

D. kind

4. A. effort

B. room

C. time

D. money

5. A. improvement

B. problem

C. surprise

D. excitement

6. A. shopping

B. travelling

C. parties

D. greetings

7. A. the other

B. each other

C. one by one

D. every other one

8. A. toys

B. clothes

C. presents

D. bills

9. A. day

B. chance

C. cheque

D. tree

10. A. forced

B. reminded

C. invited

D. begged

11. A. draw

B. stay

C. move

D. meet

12. A. including

B. besides

C. except

D. regarding

13. A. quiet

B. excited

C. happy

D. ashamed

14. A. since

B. after

C. while

D. until

15. A. waiting

B. ready

C. hoping

D. afraid

16. A. out

B. over

C. forward

D. around

17. A. forgot

B. stopped

C. failed

D. hated

18. A. wanted

B. did

C. got

D. played

19. A. made

B. searched

C. bought

D. fetched

20. A. angry

B. rich

C. patient

D. bitter




6考查连词。根据"How can I shout without opening my mouth.可知John根本就没有张口说话,故当精灵说他尖叫,他极力争辩但是我什么都没有说啊!D正确。
7考查动词。句意:他极力为自己争辩,我根本就没有开口啊!为某人自己辩护excuse oneself.B正确。
9考查动词。根据50空后 each part of the body speaks its own …可知A正确。
11考查名词。根据空白处前面的单词 speaks 可知,应该是说语言。A,功能;B,性格;C,关注,关心;D,语言。故D正确。
13A 考查名词。根据"Now, you'll hear with your ears what people are saying without opening their mouth."可知A1确。
14C 考查形容词。根据该句But what surprised him most was on his birthday when he met a shy girl.可知空白应填令人吃惊的。A,乏味的;B,具有挑战的;C,令人吃惊的;D,让人害怕的。故C正确。
15C 考查动词短语。句意:他能够听到即使有些人不说话也能继续交谈两三个小时。A,捡起;B,挪动;C,继续坚持;D,举起;支撑起。故C正确。
16考查名词。根据后面的句子"I don't want to be here! I don't want to play with anyone!"可知该女孩内心的呐喊是:我不想再这,我不想跟任何人玩。A,眼泪;B,呐喊,喊叫;C,笑声;D,玩笑。故B正确。
18考查动词。根据smiling, looking into people's eyes and  59 sayig " meant their bodies stopped yelling, …可知他们发现,微笑,看着别人的眼睛说话等意味着他们的身体很愉悦。A,发现;B,证明;C,承诺;D,记住。故A正确。
19A 考查副词。根据语境可知空白处前面的姿势都是好的方式,应是礼貌地说话。A,礼貌地;B,清晰地;C,最终;D,突然。故A正确。
【点评】故事类阅读。首先要要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意文中前后段落之间的关系。答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一 时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯。


⑴B考查介词:A. before前面B. throughout贯穿C. above上面 D. for为了,弦音曼妙,在空旷处贯穿,流淌,选B.
⑵A 考查动词:A. appreciating 欣赏, B. listening C. creating 创造 D. discussing 讨论,真正驻足聆听欣赏者只有六七人。选A
⑶D 考查名词。A. meeting会议B. party 聚会C. debate 辩论D. concert音乐会。根据句意是要举办一场音乐会,故选D
⑷D 考查形容词。A. easy 容易的B. convenient 方便的C. possible可能的D. difficult困难的。音乐会门票高,而且很难买到。故选D
⑸C 考查形容词。A. excited 激动地B. disappointed失望的C. regretful 后悔的D. worried 担心的。句意:许多路人对那天没有在车站认出这个著名的音乐家并错过了一场有价值的但很便宜的音乐盛宴而后悔不已。根据句意选C
⑹B 考查形容词。A. special特别的 B. cheap便宜的 C. delicious美味的D. wonderful极好的。句意见上题。根据句意可知答案为B
⑺C 考查形容词。A. lazy懒惰的B. social社会的,社交的C. busy忙碌的D. optimistic乐观的;我有一个非常忙碌的朋友,在他知道他妻子罹患重症后他彻底的改变了。根据后文的描述可知以前是一个很忙碌的人,故答案为C
⑻B 考查动词短语。A. put up with容忍,忍受 B. came down with患上,染上C. came up with提出,想出D. end up with……结束。根据句意可知答案为B
⑼D 考查动词。A. cure治愈B. diagnose 诊断 C. attack 攻击D. conquer克服。他的妻子仍然没能战胜疾病,去世了。宾语是疾病,四个动词只有D项符合句意。
⑽A 考查副词。A. miserably 悲惨地; 痛苦地B. helplessly绝望地C. deliberately故意地D. slightly轻微地。他经常痛苦地叹气。妻子去世他很痛苦,故答案为A
⑾C 考查形容词。A. necessary必要的B. absolute 绝对的,肯定的C. impossible不可能的 D. beneficial有益的。现在不可能能弥补回来。根据句意答案为C
⑿A 考查动词。A. missed错过B. madeC. invented 发明D. contributed贡献。我们在不知道如何去珍惜生活中哪些宝贵的事情的时候就已经错过了他们。根据句意答案为A
⒀A 考查动词。A. value珍惜B. apply申请,应用 C. conserve保护,保藏,保存D. convey传达。根据句意答案为A
⒁B考查形容词。A. important重要的B. precious 宝贵的C. positive积极地 D. negative消极的。我以前也错过了一些宝贵的事情。根据前文提示,可知答案为B
⒂D 考查介词短语。A. to some degree 在某种程度上B. on the way在路上C. at all times 一直D. by no means决不,一点也不。明天一点也不可靠。根据Nevertheless的转折意思,可知此处应填否定的意思的词,故答案为D
⒃A考查动词。A. regretting 后悔B. rewarding奖励C. demanding要求 D. expecting期待。许多人一生只做两件事,等待和后悔。根据后文意思再结合本句意思,可知答案为A
( 17 )C 考查引导词。A. which 哪一个B. that C. what什么D. when……时候。他们总是在失去之前太迟了而无法珍惜他们拥有的东西。宾语从句缺少宾语,表示……的东西,故用what
( 18 )C 考查动词短语。A. get up起床B. set up 建立,创立C. grow up成长D. make up组成,编造。我们常常宣称当我们长大了要做什么。根据句意答案为C
( 19 )B 考查名词。A. goal目标 B. condition条件,状况C. agreement 同意D. destination命运。当我们到达需要的条件,我们就不再意识到我们的愿望,因为我们已经失去了。根据句意答案为B
( 20 )D 考查名词。A. danger危险B. mistake错误C. purpose目的D. wish愿望。根据句意( 见上题 )答案为D
巧解完形填空题,考生必须进行通篇考虑,掌握大意,综合所学词法、句法和常识进行分析判断。为帮助考生能更好地解答完形填空题,在这里介绍几种解题技巧。1. 复现解题法:这类题多为同义词、近义词和反义词的复现或同义词、近义词和反义词异形复现的形式。这种测试手法主要是考查考生的整体篇章意识和上下文推断能力。2. 语法结构法: 这类题需要考生有较为扎实的语法基础知识,能够从句式的结构上辨别出须填相关的关联词、连词、副词、形容词或相应的动词,当然还要考虑到主谓一致的关系等语法知识要点。3. 语境信息解题法:这类题主要是通过短文中上下语境所透露的信息进行解题,首先要正确理解所给信息,在进行合理分析和推断,这种语境信息一定要遵循逻辑概念,符合运动规律,时态的交替,以及特殊场合下的应急合理判断。4. 固定搭配解题法:这类题与语法结构题有点类似,但主要惯用搭配,讲究词与词的搭配,涉及到关联词、动词、副词、形容词、名词和短语等。5. 逻辑语气解题法:这类题主要是通过分了解全文的人物、时间、地点等信息之后,再分析句子与句子之间的关系,段落与段落之间的关系来解题。这种逻辑语气主要包含并列、递进、因果、转折和委婉语气等等。这类题的选项多为连词、副词或具有连词意义的各类短语。


1)考查名词词义辨析,hope希望,advice建议,support支持,courage勇气,根据前一句“You doubted that such unselfish love  would happen in today's world.”,你怀疑那样无私的爱会不会在当今社会存在,所以可推断接下来作者是要举出这种无私爱的例子,给他以希望,故选A.
6)考查逻辑连接词,however然而,表示转折,in fact实际上,therefore因此,表示因果,in  total总共,根据前后两句的句意,不存在转折、因果的关系,只是一种事实的描述,故选B.
7)考查动词词义辨析,start开始,着手,cook做饭,set设置,serve……服务,由于其后跟的宾语是coffee, tea, and morning goodies, 所以合适的动词应该是start,故选A.
10)考查动词词组,give lessons(给学生)上课,take lessons(学生)上课,没有draw lessonsteach lessons这样的搭配,这里作者应该是作为学生去上课,故选B.
【点评】完形填空题旨在考察学生综合运用语言知识的能力。做此题时必须通篇考虑,先掌握大意,再综合运用所学词汇、语法及常识进行推理判断。要想取得高分,重点在于以下两点:1.通读全文,了解大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索作答。通过游览阅读上述文章,我们不难概括出该文的主旨为:……。然后在做题的过程中,便可利用这些信息。例如,第2小题 ,这里并不清楚作者想为儿子做什么样的事情,是特殊的还是很私人的?只有结合下文作者为儿子买了与它摩托车相配的礼物可知,作者为儿子做的是一件很特别的事,故可得出答案。2.明确词意,词型,词的搭配,并按上下文需要作答。这篇文章中多次考察到名词,形容词,动词的应用,以及文章细节内容的理解。如第9题,既考察了各种形容词的意思,又考察了文章细节的理解,根据前文描述作者没有想到儿子会送给自己礼物,可以看出作者感到很震惊,由此得出答案。


1)考查动词。句意:这个小男孩停在她房子旁边的私人车道上。fell    倒下, continued    继续,stopped   停在, started开始。所以选C
2)考查动词。句意:然后他跟随着私人车道进入车库。avoided  避免, noticed   注意,covered  覆盖,followed 跟随,所以选D
3)考查名词。根据A security camera recorded a young boy riding his bicycle up to the home of Hollie Mallet in Louisiana. 可知这个视频来自照相机。notebook  笔记本,phone   电话, website   网站,camera照相机,所以选D
4)考查形容词。根据下文Mallet said,"I'd like to tell him he's___7___to stay and play;she loves the attention!" 可知这里意思是有人知道这个亲切的小男孩儿是谁吗?noisy  吵闹的 confident  自信的, sweet 亲切的,proud骄傲的,所以选C
5)考查动词。根据she had seen the boy a number of times running into her garage to play ball with her dog Dutchess or to___6___Dutchess.可知Mallet是在解释。suggested  建议,explained 解释,argued 争论, shouted大喊,所以选B
6)考查动词。句意:她多次看到这个小男孩跑进车库和她的狗玩儿球或是抱着她的狗。help    帮助,hold   抱着,comfort  安慰, scare惊吓,所以选B
7)考查形容词。根据she loves the attention! 可知这里意思是我想告诉他,他是受欢迎的。welcome  受欢迎的, unable   不能,willing  乐意的,anxious急切的,所以选A
8)考查名词。根据上文Mallet posted a video from the___3___on her Facebook page with this message可知这里填postjoke  玩笑, post   邮件,report   报告,warning警告, 所以选B
9)考查动词。根据The boy turned out to be 9-year- old Josh Breaux. 可知这里意思是邻居们帮忙认出了这位神秘的访客。invite  邀请, remember  记得, identify  认出, catch抓住,所以选C
10)考查动词。句意:他住在附近,并且喜欢狗。loves  喜欢, keeps  保留,walks  散步,protects保护, 所以选A
11)考查动词。根据by phone to___12___a play date between the boy and Dutchess the dog. 可知这里意思是MalletJosh Breaux的母亲Ginger取得了联系。reached  联系, knew  知道, blamed  责备,praised表扬,所以选A
12)考查动词短语。句意:在这个小男孩和这个小狗之间,安排一次玩耍的日期。take in    吸收,setup  安排, breakout  爆发,write down写下。所以选B
13)考查副词。句意:当Josh的母亲知道她的儿子秘密地去别人家和狗玩儿时,她完全不高兴。slowly  慢慢地, carelessly 粗心地,eagerly 渴望地,secretly秘密地,所以选D
14)考查副词。句意:当Josh的母亲知道她的儿子秘密地去别人家和狗玩儿时,她完全不高兴。strangely  奇怪地,immediately  立即, extremely   极端地, exactly完全地, 所以选D
15)考查名词。句意:但是她很高兴她的儿子找到了一个朋友。friend  朋友, gift 礼物,chance  机会,result结果, 所以选A
16)考查连词。句意:他们家庭没有养一条新的狗,因为他们太忙了,没有时间去照顾一条小狗。because   因为, so   所以, if   如果, though尽管,所以选A
17)考查名词。句意:Ginger Breaux在脸书上写下他儿子的经历。problem  问题, schedule  时间表, experience 经历,mistake错误,所以选C
18)考查形容词。句意:既然我们准备好了,并且决定是时候养一条新的狗。 calm 平静的,ready   准备好, correct 正确的, normal正常的,所以选B
19)考查动词。句意:我们将清楚地通知每一个人。surprised  感到惊讶,honored    受尊敬,informed   通知, pleased满意,所以选C
20)考查名词。句意:全世界都对这个视频和故事进行积极的响应,我仍然对此感觉非常吃惊。 suggestions  建议, steps  步伐, thinking  思考, response响应,所以选D


1A. Sometime 某天; B. Sometimes有时候; C. Some time 某一次;D. Some times几次。根据前文章的内容,可知道应选B的意思正确。
3make A into B A制作成B
4)句意:他们通常都是用肉,鱼或者蔬菜伴着一起吃。介词with 表伴随,故选D
6) 根据后面的句子go all over the Pacific looking for fish,可知去太平洋捕鱼是要坐渔船(fishing boat)出去的,故选A
7)前文提到了出海,那出海当然是捕鱼(catch fish),故选B
8)根据后面出现的BritainAustralia and the United States可知,这些都是国家,但并不是发展中(developing)国家,故选B
9)根据后面的一句People there usually make their bread,可知这里讲的就是bread
10)根据后面的一句They can boil themfry them and roast(烤)them,可知这里讲的是烹调的方法,故选A
12with luck 的意思与luckily相近,可理解成一个副词。
14)根据后面的一句hey can't afford to eat,可知他们很穷(poor)。
18) 根据后面的一句They do not eat meat or fish,可知这类人只是(only)吃水果和蔬菜,故选A
19) 这是一个否定句,不定代词要用anything
20)根据后面的一句Some people say that food from plants,可知应该选D


2)考查名词。A. his birthday“他的生日B. graduation day “毕业的日子C. sports meet“运动会D. examination day“考试的日子。在毕业典礼即将来临的日子里,选B
3)考查名词。A. signs“迹象B. notes“注释C. warnings “警告D. marks“记号。年轻人等着父亲买了汽车的迹象。选A
4)考查形容词。A. upset “不安的B. crazy“疯狂的C. comfortable“安慰的D. proud“骄傲的。有他这么出色的儿子自己感到非常自豪,选D
5)考查形容词。A. excited“兴奋的B. disappointed“失望的C. worried“担心的D. satisfied“满意的。看到礼物盒儿子有点好奇也有点失望。选B
6)考查名词。A. hand“B. head “C. voice“嗓音D. sound“声音。儿子提高嗓音。raise one's voice固定短语,提高声音。选C
7)考查代词。句意:这个圣经就是你的钱买的所有东西吗? all“所有的;一本《圣经》就是你给我所有的?故选A
8)考查词义辨析。A. past介词,过去,经过B. gone形容词,消失C. passed动词传递,经过D. spent动词花费。很多年过去了。选C
9)考查动词。A. learning “学习B. realizing“意识到C. hearing“听见D. understanding “理解。意识到父亲老了。选B
10)考查情态动词。A. could“B. would“愿意C. should “应该D. ought to“应该。他觉得应该去看看他,D项没有to,选C
11)考查连词。句意:他还没来得及安排时间去看望父亲就收到电报。A. After“.....之后B. Before“......前面C. Since“自从D. Until “直到。就在起程前,他收到一封电报,选B
12)考查动词。A. informed“通知B. required “要求C. reported“报告D. introduced “介绍。通知他父亲去世的消息。inform sb of sth固定短语,通知某人某事。选A
13)考查介词。句意:一到达他父亲的房子。介词on表示............”,on arriving at…一到达......”,选B
14)考查动词。句意:在书房中父亲留下的重要文件中寻找,即清点父亲留下的东西。。A. put“B. push “C. search“搜索D. pass“通过。,search through固定短语,……仔细搜寻一遍,选C
15)考查动词。A. kept “保持B. bought“C. left“离开D. expected“期望。还像他几年前留下的。选C
16)考查动词短语。A. turn over“翻转B. turn on“打开C. turn up“出现D. turn down“拒绝。表示把圣经反过来。选A
17)考查名词。A. picture“照片B. model“模型C. key“钥匙D. toy“玩具。根据上文可知作者一直想要辆汽车。这是汽车钥匙。选C
18)考查动词。A. miss“错过B. get“得到C. forget“忘记D. avoid“避免。多少次我们错过了祝福。选A
20)考查副词:A. surely“当然B. actually “实际上C. mainly“主要的D. naturally“自然地。其实,表面上看起来像是坏运气的东西正是等待开启的幸运之门。选B


(1)考查动词。A. wasting“浪费B. leaving “离开C. taking“;,D. preparing“准备。根据下文的“sitting down to play with him.“可知儿子叫的时候,作者要放下一切和他一起玩,选B
(2)考查形容词。A. stubborn “固执的B. innocent“无辜的,天真的C. helpful“乐于助人的D. humorous“幽默的。根据下文“and will not stop calling out until I      3    .“可知儿子是很固执的,选A
(3)考查动词短语。A. fell down“倒下B. turned round“转身C. burst out “爆发D. gave in“屈服。。直到我屈服了,他才会停止叫喊,选D
(4)考查动词。A. highlight “强调B. develop“发展,培养C. illustrate“阐述D. identify“识别。这是培养运动技巧的一个很好的练习,选B
(5)考查副词。A. gratefully“感激地B. eagerly“渴望地C. carefully “仔细地D. quickly“快地。我看见他仔细的捡起每个珠子。选C(6)考查连词。A. as if“好像B. even though“即使C. in case“以防D. in that“因为。他看着珠子好像它们是用巧克力做的,选A
(7)考查形容词。A. fascinated“迷人的B. satisfied“满意的C. impatient“不耐烦的energetic“精力充沛的。根据下文“What a long time it will take!“可知作者感到不耐烦了,选C
(8)考查动词。A. package“包裹B. grab“C. deliver“投递D. replace“代替。他为什么不一次抓10个珠子,将它们放进去。选B
(9)考查名词。A. confidence“自信B. strength“力量C. inspiration“激励,灵感D. involvement“牵连,参与,加入。我发现他做这个事情的时候和他玩得时候一样的投入。选D
(10)考查名词。A. sense“感觉B. difference“不同C. need“需要D. value“价值。根据下文“Obviously he enjoyed both.“我没有看出他的玩和收好玩具的不同。选B
(11)考查形容词。A. excited“兴奋的B. helped“帮助C. struck“敲打,想起D. encouraged“鼓励it suddenly   struck me that...固定句型,某人突然想起.....“,选C
(12)考查名词。A. process “过程B. morning“早晨C. experiment “实验D. design“设计。我突然想起这个男孩在享受这个过程,选 A
(13)考查名词。A. victory“胜利B. challenge“挑战C. difficulty“困难D. pleasure“快乐。对他来说快乐是在游戏里面和游戏之后。选D
(14)考查形容词。A. urgent“紧急的B. decisive“决定性的,坚定的,果断的,决断的C. perfect“完美的 D. dangerous“危险。每分钟都当成最完美的时候去过。选C
(15)考查动词。A. matters“重要的B. happens“发生C. disappears“失望D. works“工作,起作用。做每个任务都当成是最好的,其他没有什么重要的。选A
(16)考查副词。A. successfully“成功地B. peacefully “平静地C. responsibly “负责任. systematically“系统地。看见儿子多么平静的将珠子放进盒子里面,教会我过程就是目标。选B
(17)考查动词。A. guaranteed“保证B. warned“警告C. promised “答应D. taught“。看见儿子多么平静的将珠子放进盒子里面,教会我过程就是目标。选D
(18)考查名词。 A. plan“计划B. destination“目的地C. step“步骤D. detail“细节。朝圣的快乐不在到达那里而是旅途中的步骤,选C
(19)考查介词。A. for“为了B. with“.......一起C. about“关于D. from“。这就是关于活在当下的所有的含义,选C
(20)考查形容词。A. complete“完整的B. available“获得的,可利用的C. additiona“l额外的D. precious“宝贵的。我的儿子教会我要用完整的爱和宁静享受每个时刻。选A


1)考查副词。A. gradually“渐渐地    B. happily“高兴地    C. secretly“秘密地    D. silently“沉默地。根据下文“doing a bad job.”可知,不是开心地做这项工作,而是他在那里逛了几个小时,抱怨自己,干得不好。故选B
2)考查动词。A. responding “回应   B. applying “申请   C. explaining “解释   D. complaining“抱怨。不是开心地做这项工作,而是他在那里逛了几个小时,抱怨自己,干得不好。故选D
3)考查名词。A. goodness“善良    B. safety“安全    C. responsibility “责任   D. gardening“园艺。根据“how to do a good job.”可知他的父亲教他要有责任,如何做一份好工作。故选C
4)考查形容词。A. poor “贫穷的   B. positive“ 积极的   C. strange “奇怪的   D. efficient“有效率的。根据下文“he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task that should have taken one or two hours.”可知他做事的态度不好。故选A
5)考查副词。A. almost “几乎   B. even “甚至   C. still “仍然   D. ever“曾经。根据上文,可知当他完成任务的时候,院子还不够干净。故选C
6)考查动词。A. lost“失去    B. ruined “毁掉   C. perfected“使......完美    D. changed“改变。根据上文“As a result of his ___4___ attitude,”可知他的不好的态度毁掉了这一天。故选B
7)考查形容词。A. upset “烦恼的   B. pleased “感到高兴的   C. impressed “印象深刻的   D. satisfied“感到满意的。他父亲对他的事很不高兴。故选A
8)考查动词。A. breaking“破坏    B. benefiting “有利于   C. affecting“影响    D. controlling“控制。那天男孩的坏心情影响了整个家庭。故选C
9)考查名词。A. factory“工厂    B. restaurant“餐厅    C. supermarket“超市    D. shop“商店。一位甜美的女士在一家快餐店工作。故选B
10)考查副词。A. warmly“热情地    B. proudly “自豪地   C. seriously“严肃地    D. coldly“冷淡地。我一走进来,她热情地欢迎我。故选A
11)考查动词。A. looked“    B. asked“    C. waited“ 等待   D. struggled“挣扎。她接了我的菜单时,笑了。我们在等饭菜时她和我交谈。wait for固定短语,等待,故选C
12)考查名词。A. shout“大喊    B. smile“微笑    C. cheer “欢呼   D. decision“决定。当我拿着我的盘子走的时候,她带着一个大的微笑说:我希望你有一个幸福的日子!”with a simle固定短语,面带微笑,故选B
13)考查名词。A. experience“经验    B. trust “信任   C. courage“勇气    D. kindness“善良。根据上文“She smiled as she took my order, and then as we ___11___ for the food, she talked with me.”可知这个女服务员很善良。故选D
14)考查动词。A. performed“表演    B. started “开始   C. discovered“发现    D. planned“计划。我在逗留期间,听见她在柜台后面做她的任务时唱歌。故选A
15)考查名词。A. appearnce“外表    B. motivation“推动    C. position“位置    D. effort“努力。她没有挣到一个高的薪水,而且她也没有一个强有力的职位。故选C
16)考查形容词。A. ordinary“普通的    B. painful ”痛苦的   C. important“重要的    D. difficult“困难的。此外,她每天都忙着做一个长时间的轮班,经常和难缠的顾客打交道。但她选择了快乐。故选D
17)考查动词。A. escape“ 逃脱   B. learn“学习    C. hear “听见   D. differ“不同。我要想她学习。learn from固定短语,......学习,故选B
18)考查名词。A. applause“欢呼    B. regret “遗憾   C. sadness“伤心    D. forgiveness“宽恕。即使没有掌声和荣耀,我也要尽我最大的努力。故选A
19)考查状语从句。A. now that“ 既然   B. in case“ 万一   C. even though“即使    D. as if“好像。其他人都在看着我,尽管我当时可能没有意识到这一点。可知此处是even though引导的让步状语从句。故选C
20)考查名词。A. lifestyle“生活方式    B. attitude “态度   C. habit“习惯    D. attempt“企图。一种态度可以带来很大的改变。也就是,态度决定一切。故选B


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,当你处于那种消极情绪时你在想些什么?是充满了混乱的思绪?还是陷于麻木,无法思考? 你下次笼罩消极情绪时,试一下这种做法,给自己一点空间来体会那种情绪并看看会发生什么。
1)考查名词。 根据”Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion—like stress,anger,or“举例消极情感:压力、怒火,和下文的frustrated,得知选项中挫折符合题意。故选B
2)考查名词。当你处于那种消极情绪时你在想些什么?根据”going through your“经过你的脑海中和”your mind"可以判断出答案。故选C。(3)考查动词。前面说到思维混乱对比下文还是陷于麻木,无法思考。故选D
4)考查名词。下次当你发现自己处于非常紧张的状态时,表示处于之中in the middle of。故选C
5)考查副词。坐着的时候,让自己完全沉浸在那种消极情绪之中。根据下文的"Once you've allowed yourself to be totally immersed"一旦你让自己完全沉浸这种情感。说明是完全体会。故选A
7)考查动词。花整整一分钟的时间 但只有一分钟。不要逃避,不要欺骗自己。 故选B
8)考查不定代词。 去体会那种情绪,别的什么也不要做。故选D
9)考查动词短语。A. holding on “保持   B. giving in “屈服   C. looking forward “期待   D. adding up “增加。当一分钟结束时,问自己:我是否想在今天余下的时间里继续保持这种消极情绪?” 故选A
10)考查连词。当我度过今天余下的时间时。 故选B
11)考查动词。根据上文的“Allow yourself one minute to truly feel that emotion.”一旦你允许自己完全沉浸在那种情绪当中并真切体会到它。这里是感受的意思 故选C
12)考查动词。根据下文的“clear your head”,得知你就会惊奇地发现那种情绪很快就消失了。 故选A
13)考查副词。这个方法似乎很简单 几乎是太过简单了,但却非常有效。表示转折:简单但是有效。故选D
14)考查名词。上文提到给自己一分钟沉浸在挫折中,以及下面的“by giving it the space”,得知通过给自己空间真正体会消极情绪,你是在处理这种情绪。故选A
15)考查动词。A. other than  “除了  B. more than“ 超过   C. rather than “而不是   D. less than “少于。你是在处理这种情绪,而不是将其压制下去然后尽量不加理会。故选C
16)考查动词。A. adding to“ 增加   B. taking away “ 拿走  C. subjecting to“受制于,使服从   D. objecting to“反对。通过给予消极情绪所需的空间和关注,你实际上是在消解其力量。故选B
18)考查动词。 根据第二段“The next time you find yourself in the___4___of a very stressful time,or you feel angry or frustrated,stop.”得知随身带一张写着如下字句的纸条: 停下来。沉浸一分钟。故选D
19)考查动词。继续做事! 这些会提醒你该怎样去做。故选D


1)考查名词。A. roof“屋顶B. hat“帽子C. sky“天空D. star“星星。我们的头上有屋顶。故选A
2)考查形容词。A. little“小的B. less“更少的C. enough“足够的D. more“更多的。如果没有很多,总有足够的。故选C。(3)考查形容词。A. busy“忙碌的B. serious“严重的C. strict“严格的D. kind“好心的。孩子们不知道我们穷,他们只是认为我严格。故选C
4)考查名词。A. effort“努力B. room“房间C. time“时间D. money“金钱。尽管没有很多钱买礼物,我们打算举办家庭晚会庆祝。故选D
5)考查名词。A. improvement“改进,改善B. problem“问题C. surprise“惊喜D. excitement“让人兴奋的事情。但是让孩子们兴奋的事情是圣诞节购物的乐趣。故选D
6)考查名词。A. shopping“购物B. travelling“旅游C. parties“晚会D. greetings“问候。但是让孩子们兴奋的事情是圣诞节购物的乐趣。故选A
7)考查代词。A. the other“(两个中的)另一个B. each other“彼此,互相C. one by one“一个接一个D. every other one“每隔一个。他们提前几个星期做准备,互相之间问圣诞节想要什么。故选B
8)考查名词。A. toys“玩具B. clothes“衣服C. presents“礼物D. bills“账单。幸好,我已经存了120美元给我们五个人分享去买礼物。故选C
9)考查名词。A. day“”B. chance“机会C. cheque“支票D. tree“树木。这重大的一天到了。故选A
10)考查动词。A. forced“强迫B. reminded“提醒C. invited“邀请D. begged“乞求。我给每个孩子20美元的钞票,提醒他们买价格大约为4美元的礼物。故选B
11)考查动词。A. draw“画画B. stay“停留C. move“移动D. meet“见面。我们有两个小时购物,然后我们会在圣诞老人工作室见面。故选D
12)考查介词。A. including“包括B. besides“......之外(包含该介词的宾语在内)”C. except“.......之外(不包含该介词的宾语在内)”D. regarding“关于,至于。开车回家的路上,所有的孩子都很兴奋,除了我异常安静的小女儿Ginger。故选C
13)考查形容词。A. quiet“安静的B. excited“兴奋的C. happy“高兴的D. ashamed“惭愧的。开车回家的路上,所有的孩子都很兴奋,除了我异常安静的小女儿Ginger。故选A
14)考查介词。A. since“......以来B. after“……之后C. while“……的时候D. until“......以前not…until“直到……。我很生气,但是在回到家前我什么也没说。故选D
15)考查动词。A. waiting“等待B. ready“准备C. hoping“希望D. afraid“害怕。我叫她到我房间里,准备再次发火。故选B
16)考查动词短语。A. out“在外B. over“越过,在......之上C. forward“向前地D. around“四处look out“小心look over“检查look forward“期盼look around“四处看。我四处看,在想买些什么好。故选D
17)考查动词。A. forgot“忘记B. stopped“停下来C. failed“失败D. hated“讨厌。然后我停下来去看给予树上的小卡片。故选B
18)考查动词。A. wanted“想要B. did“C. got“得到D. played“玩耍。圣诞节她所想要)的是玩具娃娃。故选A
19)考查动词。A. made“B. searched“调查C. bought“D. fetched“取来。所以我把卡片从树上拿下来,然后买了一个玩具娃娃给她。故选C
20)考查形容词。A. angry“生气的B. rich“富有的C. patient“耐心的D. bitter“苦的。我从没有像那一天一样感到如此富有(rich)。故选B



1. ( 20) 完形填空:阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑
    John was very shy. He hated being with others and always kept quiet,         1        what might happen if he opened his mouth.
    One day, when some people were visiting, John felt so ashamed that he         2        in a bedroom. Suddenly, a little elf (小精灵) came to him. The elf shouted         3       . "Please! Stop screaming (尖叫) like that."
    The boy was         4       . He forgot his shyness and asked, "Who screamed?"
    "Is there anyone else here?"
    The boy looked around. They were         5       .
    "        6        I never say anything," he replied, trying to         7        himself. "How can I shout without opening my mouth?"
    Then the elf's         8       changed from anger to surprise. "Don't you know? Nobody told you that your eyes, your hands and your whole body         9        all the time?" The elf began to         10        that each part of the body speaks its own         11        and does so without stopping and how each         12        we make says something. The elf gave John a little bottle and dropped some magic water into his         13        and told him, "Now, you'll hear with your ears what people are saying without opening their mouth."
    It was         14       . He could hear how everyone         15        two or three conversations, even when completely silent. But what surprised him most was on his birthday when he met a shy girl. His magic ears could hear her loud         16       . "I don't want to be here! I don't want to play with anyone!"
    John wet the girl's ears with some magic drops from his bottle. Together, they set out to         17        which gestures to make to ensure their bodies were quieter and more pleasant. And they         18        that smiling, looking into people's eyes and         19        saying "Hello" meant their bodies stopped yelling, and so they became         20        children.            

1. A. imagining  

B. expecting 

C. fearing 

D. reporting

2. A. hid     

B. played 

C. dreamed   

D. prepared

3. A. proudly    

B. nervously   

C. hopelessly    

D. angrily

4. A. shocked  

B. worried 

C. determined  

D. disappointed

5. A. lonely    

B. alone   

C. strange 

D. special

6. A. If      

B. So    

C. Although  

D. But

7. A. teach    

B. excuse   

C. protect    

D. enjoy

8. A. attitude     

B. argument

C. method  

D. theory

9. A. talk         

B. act    

C. lie     

D. move

10. A. admit    

B. suggest 

C. explain   

D. comment

11. A. function  

B. character 

C. concern  

D. language

12. A. expression    

B. gesture

C. sentence  

D. performance

13. A. ears    

B. eyes     

C. hands    

D. mouth

14. A. boring    

B. challenging   

C. surprising 

D. frightening

15. A. picked up  

B. moved up   

C. kept up 

D. put up

16. A. tears

B. cries   

C. laughs 

D. jokes

17. A. control    

B. explore 

C. turn to 

D. look at

18. A. discovered   

B. proved     

C. promised   

D. remembered

19. A. politely     

B. politely     

C. finally  

D. suddenly

20. A. helpful    

B. useful  

C. cheerful  

D. regretful

2. ( 20) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项
Value Now No Longer Missed
    John, a famous musician, took his priceless antique zither(齐特琴)and played it in the crowded subway station. The music emanating from the zither was delicately streaming        1       the whole station. However, during the one-hour play, only six or seven people were truly        2       the charming music. John only got 52 dollars for his work that day.
    However, in normal days, when John is about to hold a         3       , one ticket can be sold at more than 100 dollars and it is extremely         4       to buy a ticket even at such a high price. Therefore, later, many passers-by in the station that day felt deeply        5       for not recognizing the famous musician and missing such a valuable but        6       music feast.
    I have a very        7       friend who had totally changed after knowing that his wife        8       an acute illness. He cooked by himself for the family and took a walk with his wife every day. Nonetheless, his wife still did not manage to        9       the illness and passed away after three months. After that, he often sighed         10       that due to his past busy life, he had missed a lot of beautiful time with his wife. But now, it is          11       to make up for it.
    It is no use crying over spilt milk. We have        12       a lot of precious things in our life without knowing how to         13       them. Actually, I also missed something         14       before. The reason is simple: we had thought that we could still own them tomorrow.
    Nevertheless, tomorrow is actually        15       reliable. There was a famous Buddhist monk saying that in many people's lives, they have only done two things: waiting and         16       . The result is that they were always too late to cherish         17       they had before they lost it. We would often claim to do something when we         18       , or when we have money or when we become old, etc. However, when we reach the        19       , we could no longer realize our        20       , because we have lost it by then.            

1. A. before

B. throughout

C. above

D. for

2. A. appreciating 

B. listening

C. creating

D. discussing

3. A. meeting

B. party

C. debate

D. concert

4. A. easy

B. convenient

C. possible

D. difficult

5. A. excited

B. disappointed

C. regretful

D. worried

6. A. special

B. cheap

C. delicious

D. wonderful

7. A. lazy

B. social

C. busy

D. optimistic

8. A. put up with

B. came down with

C. came up with

D. end up with

9. A. cure

B. diagnose

C. attack

D. conquer

10. A. miserably 

B. helplessly 

C. deliberately

D. slightly

11. A.  necessary

B. absolute

C. impossible

D. beneficial

12. A. missed

B. made

C. invented

D. contributed

13. A. value

B. apply

C. conserve

D. convey

14. A. important

B. precious

C. positive

D. negative

15. A. to some degree

B. on the way

C. at all times

D. by no means

16. A. regretting

B. rewarding

C. demanding

D. expecting

17. A. which

B. that

C. what

D. when

18. A. get up

B. set up

C. grow up

D. make up

19. A. goal

B. condition

C. agreement

D. destination

20. A. danger

B. mistake

C. purpose

D. wish

3. ( 20) 完形填空
Dear Laura,
    I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You doubted that such unselfish love  would happen in today's world. Well, I'm here to give you         1       .
    I wanted to do something very         2        for my fifteen – year – old son, who has always been the perfect child. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it         3        it looked almost new. I was so         4        of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet and a riding outfit.
    I could         5        wait for him to open up his gift.         6       , I barely slept the night before. Upon awakening. I went to the kitchen to         7        the coffee, tea, and morning goodies. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a         8       : “To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”
    I was so         9       . It had been a long – standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could         10        lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and I'll get you one” was my husband's         11       .
    I stood there shocked, crying a(an)         12       , asking myself how my son could         13        this expensive gift.
    Of course, the house         14       , and my son was thrilled(激动的)with my reaction. Many kisses were         15       , and I immediately wanted him to open my gift.
    As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not         16        what I was expecting. Then I realized that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.
    Of course I was the proudest mother         17        on that day, and my feet never         18        the ground for a month.
    So I wanted you to know, that kind of love still         19        and lives even in the ever – changing world of me, me, me!
    I thought you'd love to         20        this story.
P.S. The next day, my husband and I bought him a new “used” already shiny motorcycle.            

1. A. hope

B. advice

C. support

D. courage

2. A. polite

B. similar

C. special

D. private

3. A. after

B. before

C. unless

D. until

4. A. sure

B. fond

C. proud

D. confident

5. A. perhaps

B. really

C. almost

D. hardly

6. A. However

B. In fact

C. Therefore

D. In total

7. A. start

B. cook

C. set

D. serve

8. A. note

B. notice

C. word

D. sign

9. A. disturbed

B. confused

C. astonished

D. inspired

10. A. give

B. take

C. draw

D. teach

11. A. reason

B. request

C. comment

D. response

12. A. mountain

B. article

C. river

D. bowl

13. A. present

B. afford

C. find

D. order

14. A. felt

B. jumped

C. cried

D. awoke

15. A. exchanged

B. experienced

C. expected

D. exhibited

16. A. purely

B. basically

C. obviously

D. exactly

17. A. only

B. still

C. ever

D. even

18. A. hit

B. stuck

C. pat

D. felt

19. A. works

B. exists

C. matters

D. counts

20. A. send

B. publish

C. share

D. write

4. ( 20) 完形填空
    A security camera recorded a young boy riding his bicycle up to the home of Hollie Mallet in Louisiana.The boy        1       in the driveway(私人汽车道)next to her house.Then he        2       the driveway into the garage,where he gave her dog a quick hug.
    In late May,Mallet posted a video from the        3       on her Facebook page with this message:"Attention neighbors! Does anyone know who this        4       little boy is?"Mallet         5       that she had seen the boy a number of times running into her garage to play ball with her dog Dutchess or to        6       Dutchess.Mallet said,"I'd like to tell him he's        7       to stay and play;she loves the attention!"
    Within two hours of her        8       the neighbors helped        9       her mysterious visitor.The boy turned out to be 9-year- old Josh Breaux.He lives nearby and        10       dogs.
    Mallet        11       Josh Breaux's mother Ginger by phone to        12       a play date between the boy and Dutchess the dog. When Josh's mother learned that her son had been going into someone's house        13       to play with a dog,she was not         14       happy.But she was glad her son had found a        15       .
    The Breaux had a dog for most of Josh's life,but family dog had recently died.The Breaux family did not get a new dog        16       they were too busy to take care of a young dog. Ginger Breaux wrote about her son's        17       on Facebook just the other day.She wrote:"When we are        18       and decide it's time to get a new dog,we will definitely keep everyone        19       !I am still beyond amazed at the positive        20       the video and story has gotten from all over the world."            

1. A. fell

B. continued

C. stopped

D. started

2. A. avoided

B. noticed

C. covered

D. followed

3. A. notebook

B. phone

C. website

D. camera

4. A. noisy

B. confident

C. sweet

D. proud

5. A. suggested

B. explained

C. argued

D. shouted

6. A. help

B. hold

C. comfort

D. scare

7. A. welcome

B. unable

C. willing

D. anxious

8. A. joke

B. post

C. report

D. warning

9. A. invite

B. remember

C. identify

D. catch

10. A. loves

B. keeps

C. walks

D. protects

11. A. reached

B. knew

C. blamed

D. praised

12. A. take in

B. setup

C. breakout

D. write down

13. A. slowly

B. carelessly

C. eagerly

D. secretly

14. A. strangely

B. immediately

C. extremely

D. exactly

15. A. friend

B. gift

C. chance

D. result

16. A. because

B. so

C. if

D. though

17. A. problem

B. schedule

C. experience

D. mistake

18. A. calm

B. ready

C. correct

D. normal

19. A. surprised

B. honored

C. informed

D. pleased

20. A. suggestions

B. steps

C. thinking

D. response

5. ( 20) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    In many countriespeople eat rice every day        1       they eat it two or three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and supperThey can         2       it, fry(煎)it or         3       it into rice noodlesThey usually eat it          4       meatfish and vegetables
    Some people do not eat some kind of          5          Muslinsfor exampledo not eat porkand Hindus do not eat beef
    The Japanese eat a lot of fishJapan is an island and its          6       go all over the Pacific looking for fish to         7         The Japanese sometimes eat uncooked fish, and they also eat a lot of rice.
    In        8       such as BritainAustralia and the United Statesthe most important food is         9        or potatoesPeople there usually make their bread from wheat flourThey         10       potatoes in different waysThey can boil themfry them and roast(烤)them
    In Africamaize(玉米)is the most important food        11        rice and wheatmaize is a kind of cereal(谷物).African people make the maize        12       flourFrom this flour they make          13       .kinds of bread and cakesMany Africans are very          14        and they can't afford to eat much          15       with their cereal
  Cereals are a very important kind of food          16       we also need plenty of vegetables and lots of fresh          17        
  Some people eat         18       fruit and vegetablesThey do not eat meat or fish or          19       that comes from animalsThey eat only food from          20         Some people say that food from plants is better for us than meat.            

1. A. Sometime   

B. Sometimes

C. Some time

D. Some times

2. A. drink     

B. boil

C. have

D. eat

3. A. change

B. turn

C. make

D. eat

4. A. as       

B. like

C. together

D. with

5. A. meat     

B. fish  

C. apples

D. vegetables

6. A. trains   

B. planes     

C. life boats

D. fishing boats

7. A. buy      

B. catch 

C. hold

D. weigh

8. A. the world 

B. countries

C. the east

D. developing countries

9. A. bread    

B. cake 

C. flour

D. vegetables

10. A. cook    

B. eat 

C. make

D. take

11. A. With   

B. As     

C. Being  

D. Like

12. A. of       

B. from  

C. into

D. up to

13. A. the same 

B. every

C. different

D. each

14. A. rich    

B. weak 

C. strong 

D. poor

15. A. meat    

B. maize 

C. bread

D. flour

16. A. so      

B. as           

C. but

D. because

17. A. fruit    

B. cakes  

C. rice 

D. potatoes

18. A. only    

B. not only

C. besides 

D. except

19. A. something 

B. pork 

C. anything

D. beef

20. A. fish     

B. apples  

C. pigs     

D. plants

6. ( 20) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。    A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had loved a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well         1        it, he told him that was all he wanted.
    As         2        drew near, the young man expected         3        that his father had bought the car. Finally, on the morning of the special day, his father called him into his study. His father told him how         4        he was to have such a fine son, and how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped (包装好的) gift box. Curious, but a little bit        5       , the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound (皮边的) Bible (圣经).
    Angrily, he raised his         6        to his father and said, “Is a Bible         7        you can give me with all your money?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.
    Many years         8        and the young man was very successful in business, but         9        his father was very old, he thought perhaps he         10        go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day.         11        he could make the arrangements , he received a telegram which         12        him of his father's death, and all the possessions (财产) left to him.
            13        arriving at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to         14        through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had         15        it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to         16       . As he was reading, a car         17        dropped from the back of the Bible.
    How many times do we         18        blessings (祝福) because they are not wrapped as we expected? Do not spoil (搞糟) what you have by desiring (渴求) what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once         19        the things you hoped for. What may appear as bad fortune (运气) may         20        be the door that is just waiting to be opened.            

1. A. offer

B. pay

C. buy

D. afford

2. A. his birthday

B. graduation day

C. sports meet

D. examination day

3. A. signs

B. notes

C. warnings

D. marks

4. A. upset

B. crazy

C. comfortable

D. proud

5. A. excited

B. disappointed

C. worried

D. satisfied

6. A. hand

B. head

C. voice

D. sound

7. A. all

B. that

C. all what

D. that all

8. A. past

B. gone

C. passed

D. spent

9. A. learning

B. realizing

C. hearing

D. understanding

10. A. could

B. would

C. should

D. ought

11. A. After

B. Before

C. Since

D. Until

12. A. informed

B. required

C. reported

D. introduced

13. A. By

B. On

C. As

D. At

14. A. put

B. push

C. search

D. pass

15. A. kept

B. bought

C. left

D. expected

16. A. turn over

B. turn on

C. turn up

D. turn down

17. A. picture

B. model

C. key

D. toy

18. A. miss

B. mean

C. forget

D. avoid

19. A. of

B. among

C. between

D. along

20. A. surely

B. actually

C. mainly

D. naturally

7. ( 20) 完形填空
    My son Tom taught me a beautiful lesson today. He is three years old and it is amazing hatching him grow up.
    He called out to me today saying, “Papa, sit”. That usually means         1       everything and going next to him and sitting down to play with him. I did that, as he can be        2       and will not stop calling out until I         3        He was playing with beads (珠子), pushing a string through them, which is a great exercise to help         4       fine motor skills. Then, after he finished playing with the beads, it was time to put them back in the box that they are stored in. I saw him         5        pick up each bead, look at it         6        it were made of chocolate and then placed it into its box.
    With over a hundred beads to go, I was getting         7       “What a long time it will take! Why cannot he        8       ten beads in one go and drop them in?” said my anxious mind. I noticed that he did this with as much        9        as he had while we were playing. I didn't see any         10       between his play and his putting away the toy. Obviously he enjoyed both.
    Then it suddenly         11       me that this boy was enjoying the whole         12       The journey was his goal. For him the        13        was in the game and after the game, not just in the fun part. What a great perspective: to live each moment as it is the        14       moment; to do each task as it is the most awesome task. Nothing else        15       .
    Looking at how         16        my son was putting beads into the box        17        me that the process was the goal. The joy of pilgrimage (朝圣) is not in getting there but in every         18       of the journey.
    This is what living in the NOW is all         19        Tom, my son, was showing me that it was about thoroughly enjoying every moment with         20        love and peace.            

1. A. wasting

B. leaving

C. taking

D. preparing

2. A. stubborn

B. innocent

C. helpful

D. humorous

3. A. fell down

B. turned round

C. burst out

D. gave in

4. A. highlight

B. develop

C. illustrate

D. identify

5. A. gratefully

B. eagerly

C. carefully

D. quickly

6. A. as if

B. even though

C. in case

D. in that

7. A. fascinated

B. satisfied

C. impatient

D. energetic

8. A. package

B. grab

C. deliver

D. replace

9. A. confidence

B. strength

C. inspiration

D. involvement

10. A. sense

B. difference

C. need

D. value

11. A. excited

B. helped

C. struck

D. encouraged

12. A. process

B. morning

C. experiment

D. design

13. A. victory

B. challenge

C. difficulty

D. pleasure

14. A. urgent

B. decisive

C. perfect

D. dangerous

15. A. matters

B. happens

C. disappears

D. works

16. A. successfully

B. peacefully

C. responsibly

D. systematically

17. A. guaranteed

B. warned

C. promised

D. taught

18. A. plan

B. destination

C. step

D. detail

19. A. for

B. with

C. about

D. from

20. A. complete

B. available

C. additional

D. precious

8. ( 20) 完形填空
    A few days ago, I observed a teenager doing yardwork that his dad had told him to do. Instead of doing the task        1       , he wandered around there for hours,        2        to himself and doing a bad job.
    The person he hurt the most was himself. His dad was trying to teach him         3       and how to do a good job. As a result of his        4       attitude, he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task that should have taken one or two hours. And the yard         5        wasn't clean enough when he got through.
    He        6       his day because of his attitude. And his dad was         7       with him, and the boy's bad mood ended up        8        the whole family that day.
    A sweet lady was working in a fast-food        9       . The minute I walked in, she welcomed me        10       . She smiled as she took my order, and then as we        11        for the food, she talked with me. As I walked off with my tray, she said with a big         12       , “I hope you have a blessed day!” I think the food tasted better because of her        13       . There was a delay, during which I sat there hearing her singing as she        14        her tasks behind the counter.
    She wasn't making a large salary, and she didn't have a powerful        15       , either. In addition, she stood on her feet for a long shift each day, often dealing with         16       customers. But she chose to be joyful.
    I want to        17       from her. I want to do my best, even when there's no         18        or glory. Other people are watching me        19        I might not realize it at the time. I want to bring joy to all those around me. A(n)        20       can make a great difference.            

1. A. gradually

B. happily

C. secretly

D. silently

2. A. responding

B. applying

C. explaining

D. complaining

3. A. goodness

B. safety

C. responsibility

D. gardening

4. A. poor

B. positive

C. strange

D. efficient

5. A. almost

B. even

C. still

D. ever

6. A. lost

B. ruined

C. perfected

D. changed

7. A. upset

B. pleased

C. impressed

D. satisfied

8. A. breaking

B. benefiting

C. affecting

D. controlling

9. A. factory

B. restaurant

C. supermarket

D. shop

10. A. warmly

B. proudly

C. seriously

D. coldly

11. A. looked

B. asked

C. waited

D. struggled

12. A. shout

B. smile

C. cheer

D. decision

13. A. experience

B. trust

C. courage

D. kindness

14. A. performed

B. started

C. discovered

D. planned

15. A. appearnce

B. motivation

C. position

D. effort

16. A. ordinary

B. painful

C. important

D. difficult

17. A. escape

B. learn

C. hear

D. differ

18. A. applause

B. regret

C. sadness

D. forgiveness

19. A. now that

B. in case

C. even though

D. as if

20. A. lifestyle

B. attitude

C. habit

D. attempt

9. ( 20) 完形填空
    Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion—like stress,anger,or        1       .What was going through your         2       as you were going through that negativity?Was your mind cluttered(混乱的)with thoughts?Or was it paralyzed, unable to        3       ?
    The next time you find yourself in the        4       of a very stressful time,or you feel angry or frustrated,stop.Whatever you're doing,stop and sit for one minute.While you're sitting there,        5       immerse yourself in the negative emotion.
    Allow that emotion to        6       you.Allow yourself one minute to truly feel that emotion.Don't        7       yourself here. Take the entire minute—but only one minute—to do        8       else but feel that emotion.
    When the minute is over,ask yourself,"Am I willing to keep        9       to this negative emotion        10       I go through the rest of the day?"
    Once you've allowed yourself to be totally immersed in the emotion and really        11       it,you will be surprised to find that the emotion        12       lather quickly.
    This exercise seems simple—almost too simple.        13       ,it is very effective.By allowing that negative emotion the         14       to be truly felt,you are dealing with the emotion        15       stuffing it down and trying not to feel it.You are actually         16       the power of the emotion by giving it the space and attention it needs.When you immerse yourself in the emotion,and realize that it is only emotion,it        17       its control,You can clear your head and proceed with your task.
    Try it.Keep a piece of paper with you that says the following:        18       .Immerse for one minute.Do I want to keep this negativity?Breathe deeply,exhale,release.Move on!This will        19       you of the steps to the process.Remember: take the time you need to really immerse yourself in the emotion.Then,when you feel you've felt it        20       ,release it—really let go of it.You will be surprised at how quickly you can move on from a negative situation and get to what you really want to do!            

1. A. sadness

B. frustration

C. regret

D. sorrow

2. A. heart

B. thought

C. mind

D. body

3. A. move

B. survive

C. talk

D. think

4. A. beginning

B. end

C. middle

D. start

5. A. completely

B. immediately

C. hardly

D. never

6. A. destroy

B. torture

C. consume

D. escape

7. A. abandon

B. cheat

C. blame

D. doubt

8. A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing

9. A. holding on

B. giving in

C. looking forward

D. adding up

10. A. till

B. as

C. before

D. once

11. A. defeat

B. fight

C. feel

D. forget

12. A. clears

B. escapes

C. releases

D. runs

13. A. Therefore

B. Otherwise

C. Moreover

D. However

14. A. space

B. reason

C. chance

D. time

15. A. other than

B. more than

C. rather than

D. less than

16. A. adding to

B. taking away

C. subjecting to

D. objecting to

17. A. gains

B. takes

C. keeps

D. loses

18. A. Calm

B. Relax

C. Wait

D. Stop

19. A. inform

B. warn

C. convince

D. remind

20. A. already

B. enough

C. gone

D. long

10. ( 20) 完形填空
    I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a         1        over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always         2       . Not knowing we were poor, my kids(孩子们) just thought I was         3       . I've always been glad about that.
    It was Christmas time, and although there wasn't         4        for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big         5        for the kids was the fun of Christmas         6       .
    They planned weeks ahead of time, asking         7        what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $120 for         8        to share by all five of us.
    The big         9        arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and         10        them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop; then we would         11        back at the “Santa's Workshop”.
    Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits,         12        my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually         13       . She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies—fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn't say anything         14        we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door,        15        to be angry again. This is what she told me.
     “I was looking         16        thinking of what to buy, and I         17        to read the little cards on the ‘Giving Trees.' One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she         18        for Christmas was a doll. So I took the card off the tree and         19        the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn't have anything.”
    I never felt so         20        as I did that day.            

1. A. roof

B. hat

C. sky

D. star

2. A. little

B. less

C. enough

D. more

3. A. busy

B. serious

C. strict

D. kind

4. A. effort

B. room

C. time

D. money

5. A. improvement

B. problem

C. surprise

D. excitement

6. A. shopping

B. travelling

C. parties

D. greetings

7. A. the other

B. each other

C. one by one

D. every other one

8. A. toys

B. clothes

C. presents

D. bills

9. A. day

B. chance

C. cheque

D. tree

10. A. forced

B. reminded

C. invited

D. begged

11. A. draw

B. stay

C. move

D. meet

12. A. including

B. besides

C. except

D. regarding

13. A. quiet

B. excited

C. happy

D. ashamed

14. A. since

B. after

C. while

D. until

15. A. waiting

B. ready

C. hoping

D. afraid

16. A. out

B. over

C. forward

D. around

17. A. forgot

B. stopped

C. failed

D. hated

18. A. wanted

B. did

C. got

D. played

19. A. made

B. searched

C. bought

D. fetched

20. A. angry

B. rich

C. patient

D. bitter




6考查连词。根据"How can I shout without opening my mouth.可知John根本就没有张口说话,故当精灵说他尖叫,他极力争辩但是我什么都没有说啊!D正确。
7考查动词。句意:他极力为自己争辩,我根本就没有开口啊!为某人自己辩护excuse oneself.B正确。
9考查动词。根据50空后 each part of the body speaks its own …可知A正确。
11考查名词。根据空白处前面的单词 speaks 可知,应该是说语言。A,功能;B,性格;C,关注,关心;D,语言。故D正确。
13A 考查名词。根据"Now, you'll hear with your ears what people are saying without opening their mouth."可知A1确。
14C 考查形容词。根据该句But what surprised him most was on his birthday when he met a shy girl.可知空白应填令人吃惊的。A,乏味的;B,具有挑战的;C,令人吃惊的;D,让人害怕的。故C正确。
15C 考查动词短语。句意:他能够听到即使有些人不说话也能继续交谈两三个小时。A,捡起;B,挪动;C,继续坚持;D,举起;支撑起。故C正确。
16考查名词。根据后面的句子"I don't want to be here! I don't want to play with anyone!"可知该女孩内心的呐喊是:我不想再这,我不想跟任何人玩。A,眼泪;B,呐喊,喊叫;C,笑声;D,玩笑。故B正确。
18考查动词。根据smiling, looking into people's eyes and  59 sayig " meant their bodies stopped yelling, …可知他们发现,微笑,看着别人的眼睛说话等意味着他们的身体很愉悦。A,发现;B,证明;C,承诺;D,记住。故A正确。
19A 考查副词。根据语境可知空白处前面的姿势都是好的方式,应是礼貌地说话。A,礼貌地;B,清晰地;C,最终;D,突然。故A正确。
【点评】故事类阅读。首先要要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意文中前后段落之间的关系。答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一 时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯。


⑴B考查介词:A. before前面B. throughout贯穿C. above上面 D. for为了,弦音曼妙,在空旷处贯穿,流淌,选B.
⑵A 考查动词:A. appreciating 欣赏, B. listening C. creating 创造 D. discussing 讨论,真正驻足聆听欣赏者只有六七人。选A
⑶D 考查名词。A. meeting会议B. party 聚会C. debate 辩论D. concert音乐会。根据句意是要举办一场音乐会,故选D
⑷D 考查形容词。A. easy 容易的B. convenient 方便的C. possible可能的D. difficult困难的。音乐会门票高,而且很难买到。故选D
⑸C 考查形容词。A. excited 激动地B. disappointed失望的C. regretful 后悔的D. worried 担心的。句意:许多路人对那天没有在车站认出这个著名的音乐家并错过了一场有价值的但很便宜的音乐盛宴而后悔不已。根据句意选C
⑹B 考查形容词。A. special特别的 B. cheap便宜的 C. delicious美味的D. wonderful极好的。句意见上题。根据句意可知答案为B
⑺C 考查形容词。A. lazy懒惰的B. social社会的,社交的C. busy忙碌的D. optimistic乐观的;我有一个非常忙碌的朋友,在他知道他妻子罹患重症后他彻底的改变了。根据后文的描述可知以前是一个很忙碌的人,故答案为C
⑻B 考查动词短语。A. put up with容忍,忍受 B. came down with患上,染上C. came up with提出,想出D. end up with……结束。根据句意可知答案为B
⑼D 考查动词。A. cure治愈B. diagnose 诊断 C. attack 攻击D. conquer克服。他的妻子仍然没能战胜疾病,去世了。宾语是疾病,四个动词只有D项符合句意。
⑽A 考查副词。A. miserably 悲惨地; 痛苦地B. helplessly绝望地C. deliberately故意地D. slightly轻微地。他经常痛苦地叹气。妻子去世他很痛苦,故答案为A
⑾C 考查形容词。A. necessary必要的B. absolute 绝对的,肯定的C. impossible不可能的 D. beneficial有益的。现在不可能能弥补回来。根据句意答案为C
⑿A 考查动词。A. missed错过B. madeC. invented 发明D. contributed贡献。我们在不知道如何去珍惜生活中哪些宝贵的事情的时候就已经错过了他们。根据句意答案为A
⒀A 考查动词。A. value珍惜B. apply申请,应用 C. conserve保护,保藏,保存D. convey传达。根据句意答案为A
⒁B考查形容词。A. important重要的B. precious 宝贵的C. positive积极地 D. negative消极的。我以前也错过了一些宝贵的事情。根据前文提示,可知答案为B
⒂D 考查介词短语。A. to some degree 在某种程度上B. on the way在路上C. at all times 一直D. by no means决不,一点也不。明天一点也不可靠。根据Nevertheless的转折意思,可知此处应填否定的意思的词,故答案为D
⒃A考查动词。A. regretting 后悔B. rewarding奖励C. demanding要求 D. expecting期待。许多人一生只做两件事,等待和后悔。根据后文意思再结合本句意思,可知答案为A
( 17 )C 考查引导词。A. which 哪一个B. that C. what什么D. when……时候。他们总是在失去之前太迟了而无法珍惜他们拥有的东西。宾语从句缺少宾语,表示……的东西,故用what
( 18 )C 考查动词短语。A. get up起床B. set up 建立,创立C. grow up成长D. make up组成,编造。我们常常宣称当我们长大了要做什么。根据句意答案为C
( 19 )B 考查名词。A. goal目标 B. condition条件,状况C. agreement 同意D. destination命运。当我们到达需要的条件,我们就不再意识到我们的愿望,因为我们已经失去了。根据句意答案为B
( 20 )D 考查名词。A. danger危险B. mistake错误C. purpose目的D. wish愿望。根据句意( 见上题 )答案为D
巧解完形填空题,考生必须进行通篇考虑,掌握大意,综合所学词法、句法和常识进行分析判断。为帮助考生能更好地解答完形填空题,在这里介绍几种解题技巧。1. 复现解题法:这类题多为同义词、近义词和反义词的复现或同义词、近义词和反义词异形复现的形式。这种测试手法主要是考查考生的整体篇章意识和上下文推断能力。2. 语法结构法: 这类题需要考生有较为扎实的语法基础知识,能够从句式的结构上辨别出须填相关的关联词、连词、副词、形容词或相应的动词,当然还要考虑到主谓一致的关系等语法知识要点。3. 语境信息解题法:这类题主要是通过短文中上下语境所透露的信息进行解题,首先要正确理解所给信息,在进行合理分析和推断,这种语境信息一定要遵循逻辑概念,符合运动规律,时态的交替,以及特殊场合下的应急合理判断。4. 固定搭配解题法:这类题与语法结构题有点类似,但主要惯用搭配,讲究词与词的搭配,涉及到关联词、动词、副词、形容词、名词和短语等。5. 逻辑语气解题法:这类题主要是通过分了解全文的人物、时间、地点等信息之后,再分析句子与句子之间的关系,段落与段落之间的关系来解题。这种逻辑语气主要包含并列、递进、因果、转折和委婉语气等等。这类题的选项多为连词、副词或具有连词意义的各类短语。


1)考查名词词义辨析,hope希望,advice建议,support支持,courage勇气,根据前一句“You doubted that such unselfish love  would happen in today's world.”,你怀疑那样无私的爱会不会在当今社会存在,所以可推断接下来作者是要举出这种无私爱的例子,给他以希望,故选A.
6)考查逻辑连接词,however然而,表示转折,in fact实际上,therefore因此,表示因果,in  total总共,根据前后两句的句意,不存在转折、因果的关系,只是一种事实的描述,故选B.
7)考查动词词义辨析,start开始,着手,cook做饭,set设置,serve……服务,由于其后跟的宾语是coffee, tea, and morning goodies, 所以合适的动词应该是start,故选A.
10)考查动词词组,give lessons(给学生)上课,take lessons(学生)上课,没有draw lessonsteach lessons这样的搭配,这里作者应该是作为学生去上课,故选B.
【点评】完形填空题旨在考察学生综合运用语言知识的能力。做此题时必须通篇考虑,先掌握大意,再综合运用所学词汇、语法及常识进行推理判断。要想取得高分,重点在于以下两点:1.通读全文,了解大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索作答。通过游览阅读上述文章,我们不难概括出该文的主旨为:……。然后在做题的过程中,便可利用这些信息。例如,第2小题 ,这里并不清楚作者想为儿子做什么样的事情,是特殊的还是很私人的?只有结合下文作者为儿子买了与它摩托车相配的礼物可知,作者为儿子做的是一件很特别的事,故可得出答案。2.明确词意,词型,词的搭配,并按上下文需要作答。这篇文章中多次考察到名词,形容词,动词的应用,以及文章细节内容的理解。如第9题,既考察了各种形容词的意思,又考察了文章细节的理解,根据前文描述作者没有想到儿子会送给自己礼物,可以看出作者感到很震惊,由此得出答案。


1)考查动词。句意:这个小男孩停在她房子旁边的私人车道上。fell    倒下, continued    继续,stopped   停在, started开始。所以选C
2)考查动词。句意:然后他跟随着私人车道进入车库。avoided  避免, noticed   注意,covered  覆盖,followed 跟随,所以选D
3)考查名词。根据A security camera recorded a young boy riding his bicycle up to the home of Hollie Mallet in Louisiana. 可知这个视频来自照相机。notebook  笔记本,phone   电话, website   网站,camera照相机,所以选D
4)考查形容词。根据下文Mallet said,"I'd like to tell him he's___7___to stay and play;she loves the attention!" 可知这里意思是有人知道这个亲切的小男孩儿是谁吗?noisy  吵闹的 confident  自信的, sweet 亲切的,proud骄傲的,所以选C
5)考查动词。根据she had seen the boy a number of times running into her garage to play ball with her dog Dutchess or to___6___Dutchess.可知Mallet是在解释。suggested  建议,explained 解释,argued 争论, shouted大喊,所以选B
6)考查动词。句意:她多次看到这个小男孩跑进车库和她的狗玩儿球或是抱着她的狗。help    帮助,hold   抱着,comfort  安慰, scare惊吓,所以选B
7)考查形容词。根据she loves the attention! 可知这里意思是我想告诉他,他是受欢迎的。welcome  受欢迎的, unable   不能,willing  乐意的,anxious急切的,所以选A
8)考查名词。根据上文Mallet posted a video from the___3___on her Facebook page with this message可知这里填postjoke  玩笑, post   邮件,report   报告,warning警告, 所以选B
9)考查动词。根据The boy turned out to be 9-year- old Josh Breaux. 可知这里意思是邻居们帮忙认出了这位神秘的访客。invite  邀请, remember  记得, identify  认出, catch抓住,所以选C
10)考查动词。句意:他住在附近,并且喜欢狗。loves  喜欢, keeps  保留,walks  散步,protects保护, 所以选A
11)考查动词。根据by phone to___12___a play date between the boy and Dutchess the dog. 可知这里意思是MalletJosh Breaux的母亲Ginger取得了联系。reached  联系, knew  知道, blamed  责备,praised表扬,所以选A
12)考查动词短语。句意:在这个小男孩和这个小狗之间,安排一次玩耍的日期。take in    吸收,setup  安排, breakout  爆发,write down写下。所以选B
13)考查副词。句意:当Josh的母亲知道她的儿子秘密地去别人家和狗玩儿时,她完全不高兴。slowly  慢慢地, carelessly 粗心地,eagerly 渴望地,secretly秘密地,所以选D
14)考查副词。句意:当Josh的母亲知道她的儿子秘密地去别人家和狗玩儿时,她完全不高兴。strangely  奇怪地,immediately  立即, extremely   极端地, exactly完全地, 所以选D
15)考查名词。句意:但是她很高兴她的儿子找到了一个朋友。friend  朋友, gift 礼物,chance  机会,result结果, 所以选A
16)考查连词。句意:他们家庭没有养一条新的狗,因为他们太忙了,没有时间去照顾一条小狗。because   因为, so   所以, if   如果, though尽管,所以选A
17)考查名词。句意:Ginger Breaux在脸书上写下他儿子的经历。problem  问题, schedule  时间表, experience 经历,mistake错误,所以选C
18)考查形容词。句意:既然我们准备好了,并且决定是时候养一条新的狗。 calm 平静的,ready   准备好, correct 正确的, normal正常的,所以选B
19)考查动词。句意:我们将清楚地通知每一个人。surprised  感到惊讶,honored    受尊敬,informed   通知, pleased满意,所以选C
20)考查名词。句意:全世界都对这个视频和故事进行积极的响应,我仍然对此感觉非常吃惊。 suggestions  建议, steps  步伐, thinking  思考, response响应,所以选D


1A. Sometime 某天; B. Sometimes有时候; C. Some time 某一次;D. Some times几次。根据前文章的内容,可知道应选B的意思正确。
3make A into B A制作成B
4)句意:他们通常都是用肉,鱼或者蔬菜伴着一起吃。介词with 表伴随,故选D
6) 根据后面的句子go all over the Pacific looking for fish,可知去太平洋捕鱼是要坐渔船(fishing boat)出去的,故选A
7)前文提到了出海,那出海当然是捕鱼(catch fish),故选B
8)根据后面出现的BritainAustralia and the United States可知,这些都是国家,但并不是发展中(developing)国家,故选B
9)根据后面的一句People there usually make their bread,可知这里讲的就是bread
10)根据后面的一句They can boil themfry them and roast(烤)them,可知这里讲的是烹调的方法,故选A
12with luck 的意思与luckily相近,可理解成一个副词。
14)根据后面的一句hey can't afford to eat,可知他们很穷(poor)。
18) 根据后面的一句They do not eat meat or fish,可知这类人只是(only)吃水果和蔬菜,故选A
19) 这是一个否定句,不定代词要用anything
20)根据后面的一句Some people say that food from plants,可知应该选D


2)考查名词。A. his birthday“他的生日B. graduation day “毕业的日子C. sports meet“运动会D. examination day“考试的日子。在毕业典礼即将来临的日子里,选B
3)考查名词。A. signs“迹象B. notes“注释C. warnings “警告D. marks“记号。年轻人等着父亲买了汽车的迹象。选A
4)考查形容词。A. upset “不安的B. crazy“疯狂的C. comfortable“安慰的D. proud“骄傲的。有他这么出色的儿子自己感到非常自豪,选D
5)考查形容词。A. excited“兴奋的B. disappointed“失望的C. worried“担心的D. satisfied“满意的。看到礼物盒儿子有点好奇也有点失望。选B
6)考查名词。A. hand“B. head “C. voice“嗓音D. sound“声音。儿子提高嗓音。raise one's voice固定短语,提高声音。选C
7)考查代词。句意:这个圣经就是你的钱买的所有东西吗? all“所有的;一本《圣经》就是你给我所有的?故选A
8)考查词义辨析。A. past介词,过去,经过B. gone形容词,消失C. passed动词传递,经过D. spent动词花费。很多年过去了。选C
9)考查动词。A. learning “学习B. realizing“意识到C. hearing“听见D. understanding “理解。意识到父亲老了。选B
10)考查情态动词。A. could“B. would“愿意C. should “应该D. ought to“应该。他觉得应该去看看他,D项没有to,选C
11)考查连词。句意:他还没来得及安排时间去看望父亲就收到电报。A. After“.....之后B. Before“......前面C. Since“自从D. Until “直到。就在起程前,他收到一封电报,选B
12)考查动词。A. informed“通知B. required “要求C. reported“报告D. introduced “介绍。通知他父亲去世的消息。inform sb of sth固定短语,通知某人某事。选A
13)考查介词。句意:一到达他父亲的房子。介词on表示............”,on arriving at…一到达......”,选B
14)考查动词。句意:在书房中父亲留下的重要文件中寻找,即清点父亲留下的东西。。A. put“B. push “C. search“搜索D. pass“通过。,search through固定短语,……仔细搜寻一遍,选C
15)考查动词。A. kept “保持B. bought“C. left“离开D. expected“期望。还像他几年前留下的。选C
16)考查动词短语。A. turn over“翻转B. turn on“打开C. turn up“出现D. turn down“拒绝。表示把圣经反过来。选A
17)考查名词。A. picture“照片B. model“模型C. key“钥匙D. toy“玩具。根据上文可知作者一直想要辆汽车。这是汽车钥匙。选C
18)考查动词。A. miss“错过B. get“得到C. forget“忘记D. avoid“避免。多少次我们错过了祝福。选A
20)考查副词:A. surely“当然B. actually “实际上C. mainly“主要的D. naturally“自然地。其实,表面上看起来像是坏运气的东西正是等待开启的幸运之门。选B


(1)考查动词。A. wasting“浪费B. leaving “离开C. taking“;,D. preparing“准备。根据下文的“sitting down to play with him.“可知儿子叫的时候,作者要放下一切和他一起玩,选B
(2)考查形容词。A. stubborn “固执的B. innocent“无辜的,天真的C. helpful“乐于助人的D. humorous“幽默的。根据下文“and will not stop calling out until I      3    .“可知儿子是很固执的,选A
(3)考查动词短语。A. fell down“倒下B. turned round“转身C. burst out “爆发D. gave in“屈服。。直到我屈服了,他才会停止叫喊,选D
(4)考查动词。A. highlight “强调B. develop“发展,培养C. illustrate“阐述D. identify“识别。这是培养运动技巧的一个很好的练习,选B
(5)考查副词。A. gratefully“感激地B. eagerly“渴望地C. carefully “仔细地D. quickly“快地。我看见他仔细的捡起每个珠子。选C(6)考查连词。A. as if“好像B. even though“即使C. in case“以防D. in that“因为。他看着珠子好像它们是用巧克力做的,选A
(7)考查形容词。A. fascinated“迷人的B. satisfied“满意的C. impatient“不耐烦的energetic“精力充沛的。根据下文“What a long time it will take!“可知作者感到不耐烦了,选C
(8)考查动词。A. package“包裹B. grab“C. deliver“投递D. replace“代替。他为什么不一次抓10个珠子,将它们放进去。选B
(9)考查名词。A. confidence“自信B. strength“力量C. inspiration“激励,灵感D. involvement“牵连,参与,加入。我发现他做这个事情的时候和他玩得时候一样的投入。选D
(10)考查名词。A. sense“感觉B. difference“不同C. need“需要D. value“价值。根据下文“Obviously he enjoyed both.“我没有看出他的玩和收好玩具的不同。选B
(11)考查形容词。A. excited“兴奋的B. helped“帮助C. struck“敲打,想起D. encouraged“鼓励it suddenly   struck me that...固定句型,某人突然想起.....“,选C
(12)考查名词。A. process “过程B. morning“早晨C. experiment “实验D. design“设计。我突然想起这个男孩在享受这个过程,选 A
(13)考查名词。A. victory“胜利B. challenge“挑战C. difficulty“困难D. pleasure“快乐。对他来说快乐是在游戏里面和游戏之后。选D
(14)考查形容词。A. urgent“紧急的B. decisive“决定性的,坚定的,果断的,决断的C. perfect“完美的 D. dangerous“危险。每分钟都当成最完美的时候去过。选C
(15)考查动词。A. matters“重要的B. happens“发生C. disappears“失望D. works“工作,起作用。做每个任务都当成是最好的,其他没有什么重要的。选A
(16)考查副词。A. successfully“成功地B. peacefully “平静地C. responsibly “负责任. systematically“系统地。看见儿子多么平静的将珠子放进盒子里面,教会我过程就是目标。选B
(17)考查动词。A. guaranteed“保证B. warned“警告C. promised “答应D. taught“。看见儿子多么平静的将珠子放进盒子里面,教会我过程就是目标。选D
(18)考查名词。 A. plan“计划B. destination“目的地C. step“步骤D. detail“细节。朝圣的快乐不在到达那里而是旅途中的步骤,选C
(19)考查介词。A. for“为了B. with“.......一起C. about“关于D. from“。这就是关于活在当下的所有的含义,选C
(20)考查形容词。A. complete“完整的B. available“获得的,可利用的C. additiona“l额外的D. precious“宝贵的。我的儿子教会我要用完整的爱和宁静享受每个时刻。选A


1)考查副词。A. gradually“渐渐地    B. happily“高兴地    C. secretly“秘密地    D. silently“沉默地。根据下文“doing a bad job.”可知,不是开心地做这项工作,而是他在那里逛了几个小时,抱怨自己,干得不好。故选B
2)考查动词。A. responding “回应   B. applying “申请   C. explaining “解释   D. complaining“抱怨。不是开心地做这项工作,而是他在那里逛了几个小时,抱怨自己,干得不好。故选D
3)考查名词。A. goodness“善良    B. safety“安全    C. responsibility “责任   D. gardening“园艺。根据“how to do a good job.”可知他的父亲教他要有责任,如何做一份好工作。故选C
4)考查形容词。A. poor “贫穷的   B. positive“ 积极的   C. strange “奇怪的   D. efficient“有效率的。根据下文“he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task that should have taken one or two hours.”可知他做事的态度不好。故选A
5)考查副词。A. almost “几乎   B. even “甚至   C. still “仍然   D. ever“曾经。根据上文,可知当他完成任务的时候,院子还不够干净。故选C
6)考查动词。A. lost“失去    B. ruined “毁掉   C. perfected“使......完美    D. changed“改变。根据上文“As a result of his ___4___ attitude,”可知他的不好的态度毁掉了这一天。故选B
7)考查形容词。A. upset “烦恼的   B. pleased “感到高兴的   C. impressed “印象深刻的   D. satisfied“感到满意的。他父亲对他的事很不高兴。故选A
8)考查动词。A. breaking“破坏    B. benefiting “有利于   C. affecting“影响    D. controlling“控制。那天男孩的坏心情影响了整个家庭。故选C
9)考查名词。A. factory“工厂    B. restaurant“餐厅    C. supermarket“超市    D. shop“商店。一位甜美的女士在一家快餐店工作。故选B
10)考查副词。A. warmly“热情地    B. proudly “自豪地   C. seriously“严肃地    D. coldly“冷淡地。我一走进来,她热情地欢迎我。故选A
11)考查动词。A. looked“    B. asked“    C. waited“ 等待   D. struggled“挣扎。她接了我的菜单时,笑了。我们在等饭菜时她和我交谈。wait for固定短语,等待,故选C
12)考查名词。A. shout“大喊    B. smile“微笑    C. cheer “欢呼   D. decision“决定。当我拿着我的盘子走的时候,她带着一个大的微笑说:我希望你有一个幸福的日子!”with a simle固定短语,面带微笑,故选B
13)考查名词。A. experience“经验    B. trust “信任   C. courage“勇气    D. kindness“善良。根据上文“She smiled as she took my order, and then as we ___11___ for the food, she talked with me.”可知这个女服务员很善良。故选D
14)考查动词。A. performed“表演    B. started “开始   C. discovered“发现    D. planned“计划。我在逗留期间,听见她在柜台后面做她的任务时唱歌。故选A
15)考查名词。A. appearnce“外表    B. motivation“推动    C. position“位置    D. effort“努力。她没有挣到一个高的薪水,而且她也没有一个强有力的职位。故选C
16)考查形容词。A. ordinary“普通的    B. painful ”痛苦的   C. important“重要的    D. difficult“困难的。此外,她每天都忙着做一个长时间的轮班,经常和难缠的顾客打交道。但她选择了快乐。故选D
17)考查动词。A. escape“ 逃脱   B. learn“学习    C. hear “听见   D. differ“不同。我要想她学习。learn from固定短语,......学习,故选B
18)考查名词。A. applause“欢呼    B. regret “遗憾   C. sadness“伤心    D. forgiveness“宽恕。即使没有掌声和荣耀,我也要尽我最大的努力。故选A
19)考查状语从句。A. now that“ 既然   B. in case“ 万一   C. even though“即使    D. as if“好像。其他人都在看着我,尽管我当时可能没有意识到这一点。可知此处是even though引导的让步状语从句。故选C
20)考查名词。A. lifestyle“生活方式    B. attitude “态度   C. habit“习惯    D. attempt“企图。一种态度可以带来很大的改变。也就是,态度决定一切。故选B


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,当你处于那种消极情绪时你在想些什么?是充满了混乱的思绪?还是陷于麻木,无法思考? 你下次笼罩消极情绪时,试一下这种做法,给自己一点空间来体会那种情绪并看看会发生什么。
1)考查名词。 根据”Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion—like stress,anger,or“举例消极情感:压力、怒火,和下文的frustrated,得知选项中挫折符合题意。故选B
2)考查名词。当你处于那种消极情绪时你在想些什么?根据”going through your“经过你的脑海中和”your mind"可以判断出答案。故选C。(3)考查动词。前面说到思维混乱对比下文还是陷于麻木,无法思考。故选D
4)考查名词。下次当你发现自己处于非常紧张的状态时,表示处于之中in the middle of。故选C
5)考查副词。坐着的时候,让自己完全沉浸在那种消极情绪之中。根据下文的"Once you've allowed yourself to be totally immersed"一旦你让自己完全沉浸这种情感。说明是完全体会。故选A
7)考查动词。花整整一分钟的时间 但只有一分钟。不要逃避,不要欺骗自己。 故选B
8)考查不定代词。 去体会那种情绪,别的什么也不要做。故选D
9)考查动词短语。A. holding on “保持   B. giving in “屈服   C. looking forward “期待   D. adding up “增加。当一分钟结束时,问自己:我是否想在今天余下的时间里继续保持这种消极情绪?” 故选A
10)考查连词。当我度过今天余下的时间时。 故选B
11)考查动词。根据上文的“Allow yourself one minute to truly feel that emotion.”一旦你允许自己完全沉浸在那种情绪当中并真切体会到它。这里是感受的意思 故选C
12)考查动词。根据下文的“clear your head”,得知你就会惊奇地发现那种情绪很快就消失了。 故选A
13)考查副词。这个方法似乎很简单 几乎是太过简单了,但却非常有效。表示转折:简单但是有效。故选D
14)考查名词。上文提到给自己一分钟沉浸在挫折中,以及下面的“by giving it the space”,得知通过给自己空间真正体会消极情绪,你是在处理这种情绪。故选A
15)考查动词。A. other than  “除了  B. more than“ 超过   C. rather than “而不是   D. less than “少于。你是在处理这种情绪,而不是将其压制下去然后尽量不加理会。故选C
16)考查动词。A. adding to“ 增加   B. taking away “ 拿走  C. subjecting to“受制于,使服从   D. objecting to“反对。通过给予消极情绪所需的空间和关注,你实际上是在消解其力量。故选B
18)考查动词。 根据第二段“The next time you find yourself in the___4___of a very stressful time,or you feel angry or frustrated,stop.”得知随身带一张写着如下字句的纸条: 停下来。沉浸一分钟。故选D
19)考查动词。继续做事! 这些会提醒你该怎样去做。故选D


1)考查名词。A. roof“屋顶B. hat“帽子C. sky“天空D. star“星星。我们的头上有屋顶。故选A
2)考查形容词。A. little“小的B. less“更少的C. enough“足够的D. more“更多的。如果没有很多,总有足够的。故选C。(3)考查形容词。A. busy“忙碌的B. serious“严重的C. strict“严格的D. kind“好心的。孩子们不知道我们穷,他们只是认为我严格。故选C
4)考查名词。A. effort“努力B. room“房间C. time“时间D. money“金钱。尽管没有很多钱买礼物,我们打算举办家庭晚会庆祝。故选D
5)考查名词。A. improvement“改进,改善B. problem“问题C. surprise“惊喜D. excitement“让人兴奋的事情。但是让孩子们兴奋的事情是圣诞节购物的乐趣。故选D
6)考查名词。A. shopping“购物B. travelling“旅游C. parties“晚会D. greetings“问候。但是让孩子们兴奋的事情是圣诞节购物的乐趣。故选A
7)考查代词。A. the other“(两个中的)另一个B. each other“彼此,互相C. one by one“一个接一个D. every other one“每隔一个。他们提前几个星期做准备,互相之间问圣诞节想要什么。故选B
8)考查名词。A. toys“玩具B. clothes“衣服C. presents“礼物D. bills“账单。幸好,我已经存了120美元给我们五个人分享去买礼物。故选C
9)考查名词。A. day“”B. chance“机会C. cheque“支票D. tree“树木。这重大的一天到了。故选A
10)考查动词。A. forced“强迫B. reminded“提醒C. invited“邀请D. begged“乞求。我给每个孩子20美元的钞票,提醒他们买价格大约为4美元的礼物。故选B
11)考查动词。A. draw“画画B. stay“停留C. move“移动D. meet“见面。我们有两个小时购物,然后我们会在圣诞老人工作室见面。故选D
12)考查介词。A. including“包括B. besides“......之外(包含该介词的宾语在内)”C. except“.......之外(不包含该介词的宾语在内)”D. regarding“关于,至于。开车回家的路上,所有的孩子都很兴奋,除了我异常安静的小女儿Ginger。故选C
13)考查形容词。A. quiet“安静的B. excited“兴奋的C. happy“高兴的D. ashamed“惭愧的。开车回家的路上,所有的孩子都很兴奋,除了我异常安静的小女儿Ginger。故选A
14)考查介词。A. since“......以来B. after“……之后C. while“……的时候D. until“......以前not…until“直到……。我很生气,但是在回到家前我什么也没说。故选D
15)考查动词。A. waiting“等待B. ready“准备C. hoping“希望D. afraid“害怕。我叫她到我房间里,准备再次发火。故选B
16)考查动词短语。A. out“在外B. over“越过,在......之上C. forward“向前地D. around“四处look out“小心look over“检查look forward“期盼look around“四处看。我四处看,在想买些什么好。故选D
17)考查动词。A. forgot“忘记B. stopped“停下来C. failed“失败D. hated“讨厌。然后我停下来去看给予树上的小卡片。故选B
18)考查动词。A. wanted“想要B. did“C. got“得到D. played“玩耍。圣诞节她所想要)的是玩具娃娃。故选A
19)考查动词。A. made“B. searched“调查C. bought“D. fetched“取来。所以我把卡片从树上拿下来,然后买了一个玩具娃娃给她。故选C
20)考查形容词。A. angry“生气的B. rich“富有的C. patient“耐心的D. bitter“苦的。我从没有像那一天一样感到如此富有(rich)。故选B


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